Colin Surname

Have the creators stated that they intend to end the show after the current order? I didn't know that.

Liberty Bell is rated B+ on AV Club audience votes.

His machismo is a comedy goldmine, closeted or not. I think they can afford to make him Out to see where that takes him.

That phone kept flipping over.

Frank's Brother.

Wait, Stewie's in the Bible?

It was cool how they got Prince to do the theme tune, Gett Off.

Good luck… He was openly peeved at not being invited back, and they've left such a gaping non-mention of him lately that they might have to continue it (then again, clearly, unbroadcast years have passed in their world).

Does that make them Dennis, Mac and (weakest parallel) Charlie too?

So you just take some pixels from images and make them big rectangles in a row?

The stars are out tonight…

Also when she called Abbi for tampons the other week.

Ilana's main (only?) male sexual partner is an overtly helpful and reliable guy.

Well, at least it's not a Steven Crowder sitcom.

I'm pretty sure the one you'll end up hating is the girl.

I hate when I learn new words.

Mind-blower: That Honda vs. Sagat image also has Dhalsim in it.

In these comments, people who ship and people who don't ship compete to be the most boring people of the internet. In a way, they all win.