
Thank you for the less grim news.

Timbits are no good, they started as DD’s Munchkins ripoff, never forget that.

Why is that so sexy? I don’t understand these odd urges I’m getting.


“[E]verything depends on one’s assumptions, but I think that our assumptions—a Clinton lead, sure, but high uncertainty—has repeatedly been validated by the evidence we’ve seen over the course of the past several months,” Silver told Politico in a story published today. “The idea that she’s a prohibitive, 95

Wang said that 2 and half weeks ago when it was over. Things have changed quite a bit.

The name of my Driveshaft tribute band is Not Penny’s Boat.

Apperantly, that’s a matter of some debate among automotive education experts, but the consensus is that they should get some practice learning how to deal with all the stuff on the road before having to fiddle with stuff related mainly to the grade of the road.

Bill Gates could have been an excellent choice: super smart dude with a fairly sterling rep who could totally shut down all of Trumps rich brags and tax excuses.

Ya done good.

as sad as this is, the real sorrow will come when the hospital staff has to break the news that this election cycle was not part of the hallucination...

Besides, how can the dashcam driver even know the BMW wants to merge without an indicator?!


At no point was the dashcam driver supposed to let that a-hole in. Just because someone wants to merge, does not mean you have to alter your driving. BMW needed to slow down an merge after the car goes by or wait.

That’s clearly not what he was saying. C’mon.

Counterpoint: No.

So this means it’s not like he’s stuck in second gear anymore

Nope, mass. The “weight” of the displaced fluid (water here) is equal to that of the “weight” of the ship. That’s called Archimedes’ Principle, which is basically buoyancy and it’s why boats float.

No matter how big the boat is, the mass the elevator lifts will always be the same, as the mass of water displaced is equal to the mass of the ship. Thanks Archimedes!