
I've met her, she's actually a really great person who has been mired in a crazy dystopian nightmare, and I hope she wins.

Movie idea: newly incarcerated Hollywood legend struggles to put on a production of a powerful screenplay about the holocaust behind the bars of San Quintin. Will the production come crashing down when his actors learn that he's a chimo?

I feel like some of the hate directed at The Eagles should be siphoned off and directed against America (the band). But not all of it, by any means.

Liberty University is Oral Roberts East

It's Yale South

That's a way better lyric, actually.

Character Actress Margo Martindale in a clever Bojack Horseman tie in?

The great thing about Gareth is that he was just Some Dude…He wasn't moustache twirlingly evil, he just was really committed to his role as District Manager for the 7th circle of hell

I used to wear a "your mise en place or mine?" Shirt under my chefs coat in another life

Those who forget Jon Goslin's dragon and tiger shirt heavy wardrobe are condemned to repeat it.

Man, if they don't make the fan script
I sent them about a new character who is exactly like me but cooler flying around with Han Solo meeting girls and stuff, I am gonna write the most scathing tweets about it. Just you wait. They won't get away with compromising my artistic vision from when I was 7 ever again!

My guess is that this reflects the cultural preferences of people whose parents can afford test prep classes and private schools. I could go on and on about how stupid the methodology here is.

These are all cultural markers that say more about regional and economic class than intelligence. That's really the sort of information you should control for if you want people to take you seriously, but I don't think there's any danger of this graph showing up in a journal article any time soon

Time Keeps On Slipping…because not even the Harlem Globetrotters can cure unrequited love.

Dude, Sonic Drive In. They bring the milkshake right to your car, and you don't have to interact with anyone for more than 30 seconds or stop listening to NPR, unless it's pledge drive time.

Pants are the despotism of the majority.

ABQ: Home of people who think they are helping but aren't. (And my hometown, so I get to say things like that from a place of love)

The Putzer Prize jury is made up of distinguished past recipients; this year it's Mel Gibson's turn as chair, so we should expect some real schmucks.

Is this why the queen has so many, or is she just an animal hoarder? I mean, she kinda fits the profile…

When OKC first got the Thunder, there an article in the WSJ that started by talking about tumbleweeds blowing down a gravel road, past the team's practice facility next to a John Deere plant…we don't have tumbleweeds, or a John Deere plant, and the practice facility at the time was on a suburban college campus. I got