Col. Hans Landa

Unfortunately for us (and good taste), Cline is also working on the screenplay!

As an Arsenal fan myself, probably the only positive coming out of our general decline has been that one more chance at joy or happiness has been pulled away from Piers Morgan.

For what it's worth, Unobtanium is an actual term - used to describe "any fictional, extremely rare, costly, or impossible material, or (less commonly) device needed to fulfill a given design for a given application" in experiments.

Put your pants back on Randy, I'm not gonna fight you.

Put your pants back on, Randy, I'm not gonna fight you.

Oh frig off, Randy!

Heh. They've changed it to "Denialist" now.

"Does all that sound racist?"

Yes, yes it does. There are more words that it borrows from English, as well as, ironically, more words from the French of the sixteenth century than the European French of today.

Couldn't agree more.

I'd love it if they actually showed some of the negative consequences of Dany's inevitable Westerosi conquest… you can't seize a kingdom without a fair amount of collateral damage, and it would be thoughtful to continue to show how this war, which changes little politically for the common folk, results in a lot of

Not super relevant to your overall comment, but I'm astonished that "I'm old enough to remember Dubya's presidency" is something that can be said now. Not that its unreasonable (a new voter who just came of voting age would have been 10 when Obama became president)…

Concepcion has been hired to write for Simmons' new website, so hopefully he'll also make appearances on the show. They'll certainly miss him if he isn't around.

It's the natural byproduct of the "stuff as many properties into your movie/TV show to help build a cinematic universe" trend that started with the MCU. Which has now expanded to the point where we need "cinematic universes" for TV shows and mythical creatures (Dracula Untold starting one? Really?)

Can we please finally get to the point where Gyllenhaal gets proper recognition for his work? I mean, he's been praised to a certain extent, but I've always felt like any other actor who puts in consistently good and interesting performances would be praised through the moon, whereas he sort of gets a shrug and a

Even though just about any movie cut to a 4-hour+ length is overdone and self-indulgent, and this has been in the makings for years, I'm still damn excited. Kill Bill is one of Tarantino's finest and I'd love to see more footage.

Funny, I actually only finished season 2 by watching the last 5-6 episodes whilst sick in bed. I'm still holding out hope they actually make interesting, dangerous characters aside from Frank and Claire- or better yet, convolute the plot even more and make the two of them go against one another. Now that would be fun.

Indonesia is really situational- the extra and unique luxury resources allow you to expand quickly and without concern for happiness, but only if you're playing on a map with different landmasses. On a regular Pangea or Continents map the ability, and the civ as a result, is pretty useless.

I still feel that episodes 3-5 may be the best three hours of consecutive television I've had the pleasure of watching.

It's been a healthy few years since I read the book, that might very well be why. Might have to put it back into the lineup for a re-read…