Col. Hans Landa

People give a lot of shit to TD for the back half of the season, but I'd advise you to ignore them and just watch it on your own terms. Personally, I think the back half (as well as the series in its entirety) is fantastic.

You gotta break that baby up and make it into a proper Let's Play- you don't even need commentary.

I still can't believe McConaughey is a "goes without saying" quality actor now. I mean, he is, but his transformation was still remarkably fast. Not that I'm complaining, mind you.

I feel like I need to give the 2011 Tinker, Tailor another go. I watched it and enjoyed it, but I remember remarkably little about the actual proceedings, aside from the general quality cast/cinematography and the fact that it was a little slow.

You know, the fact that the show just continued to get more and more ridiculous in the second season bothered me quite a bit. Underwood is far too powerful and intelligent, and the fact that he can either outsmart or (SPOILERS) kill anyone who stands a chance against him makes for frightfully boring drama.

It really is. I mean, its not high cinema by any stretch of the imagination, but its well realized and thoroughly entertaining. As far as thrillers go you could do far, far worse.

Could any show represent the out-of-touch money grabbing of the major TV networks better than CSI: Cyber? I mean, we haven't seen anything more than casting notes and I think it's already clear this isn't going to be high quality television.

Oh yeah, for real. Antlers are pretty damn somber in general… I still find it hard to listen through all of Hospice without getting a little emotional, even over a dozen complete plays through.

Just started watching the first season of The Americans… and I think it's living up to the hype so far. Simply well realized television.

Never go full polyester… stuff makes you sweat like crazy. Not to mention it doesn't always look so hot… mix is certainly the best way to go.

The first book/season are pretty much spot on when it comes to a lack of deviation. Though as the books go on (and get longer) Martin keeps adding more and more characters and general detail, so the show diverges more and more. I wouldn't go as far as some people do and say that they're completely different beasts,

Caribou- Found Out
Mew- Introducing Palace Players
The Antlers- Putting the Dog to Sleep
Trust- Bulbform
Future Islands- Back in the Tall Grass