so he died on the way back to his home planet?
so he died on the way back to his home planet?
“Never tell me the odds...spiritually speaking!”
He’s gonna show up in Fast & Furious 12 and be like, “Now this is what I call a FUNNY CAR.”
there was a doc on Netflix, Resurrecting Jake the Snake I think it was called, which was pretty good
he’s now a warm, comfy pair of boots
is Michael Keaton back as Ken? because if not, I’m not interested
empty Jack Daniels bottle - $250
I hope Billy finally gets to bang Mike's mom this season!
*not her son
But how do I date her? I wish there was a link to show me the secret.
but he’s still standing there screaming “fuck the Free World”
Traded in the off-season, sent down to the minors. I think he plays in Mexico now
say what you will about Spade, but that movie’s hilarious
yALL tHiNk ThEy GoN bRiNg BaCk EMINEM? dAtS sUm FuNnY sHiT yO!
The Anustart of Bel-Air
well duh, it’s about zombies!
Danai Gurira’s agent needs to convince Disney to put a lightsaber in her hand
“The dryer goes on the right.”