They know these are the guys who also publish the Grand Theft Auto series, right? I'd be worried Trevor would show up at my door
They know these are the guys who also publish the Grand Theft Auto series, right? I'd be worried Trevor would show up at my door
“...and is getting ready to begin production on World War Z 2"
Social Network 2: The Instagrammening
2 Social 2 Network
Social Network II: Why Won’t You Friend your Parents?
Social Network Episode 2: The Reign of President Tweet
they didn’t take him into the crypts because he’d be like “the cold fog is coming. also jon’s about to draw his sword. now arya. i knew all of this before it happened.”
the HOTTEST white walker dancers at CLUB WILDLING!!!
“...Robot Deliver Vape Pen”
what a time to be alive!
why don’t they get people we’ve actually heard of?
i mean, who is Maroon 5?
(this time we are looking for sex stories)
+1000 sandwiches
the correct answer is Pearl Jam’s “Ten”
Know what I mean?
Should I see a doctor about this?
What smells?
Did you hear something?
Who are you?
Where do I know you from?
You know who I like? That Tom Hanks. Do you like him?
How long can you watch a Dr. Pimple Popper video before vomiting?
(again: not looking for sex stories)
ooh, that’ll be good when they interview Lin Manuel Miranda
do you call them “hamburgers” or “steamed hams?”
any nudes?
wanna cyber?
do u play doom?
r u local?
I have a pair of these. Highly recommend for when you’re out and about, or if you’re like me and like to have headphones on at the office but people insist on talking to you, even though you’re obviously wearing headphones.
I have a pair of these. Highly recommend for when you’re out and about, or if you’re like me and like to have…