Colette, sweet, Colette

I am in total agreement with everything you said. I guess my take is that Kevin’s focusing on the speed aspect (and granted, he did say accuracy, too) just seemed....odd? The reason plays like this are so exciting to me are just what you said, the timing/transfer, etc.

The ALL STAR break needs a NHL style skill competition where we get to answer questions like these. I would watch that shit for hours so long as Berman isn’t commentating.

I totally understand I may take flack for this, and I am open to correction, but the guy was moving forward with an awfully large head of steam before throwing that ball. I’m not saying throwing 100+ isn’t impressive. I’m just saying qualifying that with “only a dozen or so guys can do that” isn’t true. You give every

No, the least insufferable parts of ESPN are guys like Dan LeBatard, Scott Van Pelt, etc., guys who never take themselves too seriously or consider themselves rulers over some sort of mini-empire.

He’s definitely an average writer. Is he a better writer than most people who don’t write for a living? Yes, so I guess in that sense he is an “above average” writer. But most people aren’t professional writers. When people refer to someone as an “average professional X,” or a “bad professional X,” they aren’t saying

Are you suggesting it’s impossible to attain fame without above-average talent?

Try looking for the joke again.