Colette, sweet, Colette

Kiermaier has done this 15 times this year. This isn’t a one-off highlight as you describe.
He’s at over 6% of all balls in the outfield hit to him have been converted into assists. 12 out of 175 times a runner was trying to advance they have been thrown out. Factor in the number of times where he legitimately didn’t

I can’t tell if this is a joke I don’t get, or a serious question. So, I’ll potentially embarrass myself with a straight answer:

If there were ever a year I would root for the Yankees, it would be the first year after they jettisoned Jeter.

Kiermaier is defensive superstar.
To put this in context, Ozzie Smith only had one season that has a higher (context-neutral) defensive score than Kiermaier’s 2015.

I’m not contradicting you. (You said what I was thinking a lot more diplomatically than I would have.)
But Kiermaier also deserves credit for timing the hop and run and transfer. Being able to be positioned so far in (because he’s so good going back) also helped.
A lot of guys could hit 100 on the radar gun. That’s not

Edmonds was very good.
Edmonds was also a great example of why the eye test doesn’t always work. Other guys, like Kiermeier for example, catch the balls he spectacularly dove to catch without leaving their feet.

DRS (defensive runs saved) didn’t start till 2002. This means Edmonds best years weren’t included.
But for

In what way is a Simmons podcast demonstrably -not based on your personal taste - better than Mike and Mike.

Note: I think both are vapid and silly.

That you used Crichton as your example of “good writer”, kinda undermines your opinion.
Having good or interesting ideas is not the same thing as being a good writer.
You can sell those ideas, for sure. But it doesn’t make you a good writer.

Hint: Substitute “Mike and Mike” for another talk-show formatted thing. Keep trying different talk-show formatted things until you get it.