
Has anyone here ever had a partner whose self-esteem is tried up in giving orgasms? My husband wants sex more than I do, and I'm fine having sex and giving blow jobs, but my sex drive is low and I have a terribly hard time climaxing since I'm on antidepressants. The thing is, he doesn't just want sex (which I'm happy

Sinus infections are horrible. If you are getting them regularly, go see an ENT and ask if they can help you. Sinus infections suck so much, it pains me, a stranger on the internet, to know that you're getting them. An ENT may be able to change the internal structure of your nose without taking anything from the

I actually had a nose job, and it's pretty much the best thing ever. If you have breathing problems or get a lot of sinus infections, it can feel like a godsend. I had my nose job because of straight-up vanity, but I did have a deviated septum, so they fixed that at the same time, opened my sinuses, and I haven't had

No no no, that's not how the criticism goes. It goes like this:

"I wish she had something more on top, if you know what I mean."

One of the many reasons I'm not on facebook anymore.

Baby/child bikinis seem so uncomfortable. Young children have such sensitive skin, and those little stringy straps seem like they'd be scratchy. I guess what I'm trying to say is that putting a child in a bikini is more dumb/silly than anything else. Sure, babies don't have breasts, and bikinis are meant to be sexy

I actually like this little button. I could see myself wearing a similar barrette (I'm a wannabe 8 year old).

I think you're absolutely right about men and women being socialized to respond differently to similar situations. I don't think that there is nothing hard-wired about gender. After all, trans-gender people seem to know that they are the wrong gender. No amount of socializing a female-born trans-man is going to make

"Men are more susceptible to being physiologically aroused. Yes, THAT way, too, but I mean in terms of “fight or flight” and being ready to fight off attacks from the dinosaurs and sabertooth tigers."

That is not how you have fun with a BB gun. Here's how you do it:

Well yeah, if you go around assaulting people, and expect to treat women as if their not fully human and worthy of respect, and you're not already a citizen, you shouldn't certainly shouldn't get to become a citizen. There are a lot of amazing, wonderful, kind people around the world who want to become US citizens.

Maybe the filmmaker just wasn't very picky about who she got for the series. Or maybe he did explain that he likes many races, but also having an affection for Asian women was enough to show that he has "yellow fever"? Nothing he said precluded him from being attracted to other races equally, I don't think.

Well, this young woman is badass, and I hope she continues being badass all the way up to the legislature. Katelyn Campbell, you have fans!

Yes, please! How can we get him to read your post and DO THIS NOW! (sorry for yelling)

Can I just say that I love Michael Kors' high fashion stuff? I really don't like most of his stuff that's in my price-range, but those pieces that come down the runway—the ones I'll never be able to afford—absolutely gorgeous. I always thought he just wasn't very good, but I guess he puts him best efforts into those

Alright, so I tried it, and here's my take: I've only done it for two days, but I can tell that if I make it a daily thing, I will feel better throughout my day, if only because I'm actually taking care of my body. I got a niacin flush the second day (I did a half-serving the first day), which is good, I think. I have

I like Asian men. I'm white, and my husband is Chinese. I've dated Korean men, Japanese men, Vietnamese men. I've also dated Black men, Indian men, Persian men, Russian men, various men of mixed white (Irish, German, etc.). I just smart men with full lips and hair, and those can be any race. Still, I really like Asian

Well, maybe not to this extreme, but my Chinese husband is 34 and looks 23 or so. I know he'll look young for a very long time, and someday, I'll look like his mother (j/k).

Even more, if men are slaves to instinct to this extent, why do we allow them to roam the streets? If they were all like cats in heat, it would make sense to keep them locked up, much like people do with their un-altered felines.