
Needs AWD. Is it AWD? Does Hoonda do AWD? Basically, force Subaru to get back on the hatchwagon.

Who cares what you or your kid do in your own driveway...Damn Nanny states.

Most vape smoking douche bros where I live drive Jeeps and Volkswagens...

....You think an ‘02 Mustang is ‘gorgeous’?

What the hell does that have to do with the article?

Thats the best color offered in that gen though, good pick!

I’m officially calling bullshit on this video. We’ve all been pranked. Let me show you by who (he’s in the video):

cant make it through this, makes me too uncomfortable. what a chode

But still nowhere near as good as Toyota. Toyota makes the best cars :)

Best looking Civic in a while.


It’s like all of these “DO A 2JZ” commentors don’t realize that Tuerck currently drives a 2JZ FRS in Formula D and his personal “street car” FRS (in the sense that it has license plates and was driven thru NYC for Jalopnik feature but is actually a full race car) also has a 2J in it lol

If your shiftier needs an instructional video...

I feel like Michael Ballaban lives on a different planet. Now, granted Miata is not a bad car, but it’s not perfect or even great. Power is definitely lethargic, even by the standards of 20 years ago. Suspension is too soft, transmission is too mushy, the whole thing is clunky and the interior screams: “Attention

Am I the only one who feels absolutely nothing when it comes to exotic cars? Especially million dollar exotic cars?

Asian woman driver...just a normal day

Still hoping for a Triple 6 Mafia/Cadillac commercial.

Hey, you 2-series Active Grand Tourer M-sport xDrive ActiveBlueHybridSport assholes, make this:

These are the best, he asked for the worst...

It’s ok we don’t need it

Cannot tell if you’re trolling or not. It’s a G35, which granted was called a skyline in Japan as well, but don’t sit there and act like it’s a freaking GTR or something.