
The big problem is the red pinstripe wheels and red under trim, thats gotta go.

I vape and drive a civic and take absolutely no offense to this comment lol.

I think a company may come out with a more simplified car and market it that way. Its happened in other industries.

No frills? You mean the GT86/FRS/BRZ?

You talk like the only cars millennials can buy are new ones.

I see where people come from with the ugly lines thing, but most cars these days have the same features. At least the back of this one looks crazy and different from the rest of the bunch.


The parkway, smooth? Not near Roanoke, Virgnia. I’ve had friends bend control arms on it. The road has some awful bumps and holes that aren’t avoidable. Coupled with its 45mph speed limit and constant cop activity its really not very good.

The fucked up thing is I’m fairly certain my 2003 Civic Si has the faulty airbags, but Honda hasn’t released a recall for them yet.

Its FWD lots of $$ for an LS in it

Golf is the only hatchback left with a 2 door. I hate that 2 door hatches are dying. I want sexy and practical, not these wagons they call 4 door hatches.

Agreed, the only car here I lust over (other than the f40, I mean come on) is the GTR, because its realistic. Even if I had more than enough money for any one of the cars, I would probably never buy one, because rich people like spending money less than us plebs.

Wait does the i8 not count as the 8 series’ successor? Its pretty similar except it fixed the one thing that made the 8 series suck...gas mileage.

A new STI and an RX8 with wheels and suspension mods? What do you drive dude?

Yeah, this car is the party you weren’t invited to. A lot of people really like and own these cars

I like it. It has all the good elements from the 2002 and from the 1 series. Its also a non M BMW that has character and soul.

And then half the enthusiasts that buy it will put a Honda badge on it anyway. S2000 in Acura’s rebranding initiative doesn’t make sense IMO.

The 90's and 00's were bad times for car design. At least now they look inspired rather than just “there.” Really old, or really new IMO. I can’t not like something that looks like a spaceship haha.

All valid points, but I still think Uber is a bad idea because the drivers don’t answer to a “boss.” A hybrid of Uber and Taxis would work much better.