Coleman Hahn

I feel the discussions between Felicity and Oliver would've felt a lot more forced if they werent paired with Diggle and Lyla going through similar discussions. This season in general has been really good at presenting multiple storylines per episode that all compliment each other or work towards a central theme, and

Well Lyla is Diggle's wife, so she has the right to expect trust out of him, since that's important to a healthy relationship. Felicity demanding ollie's trust, now that's a lot more tenuous

Well Lyla is Diggle's wife, so she has a right to demand his trust, that's part of a healthy relationship. With felicity demanding ollie's it does come across as a bit controlling though, whether she's right or not.

Omg Jimmy Olsen…ok that one gave me a good laugh, Vigilante basically is just an edgier guardian

God Prometheus' theme is so good. There's few other shows in all of television for me that have scoring bits as perfect as the Prometheus music. They always know when to pull it out at the most chilling moments and use it to underscore his villiany perfectly. Chase as Prometheus in general has been one of the best

Well I honestly don't think Adrian cares if he dies as long as he proves his point

That's the real tragedy of the flash, is that the characters are still as great as they ever were, and the potential for a fun awesome show like season 1 is still there, but it's bogged down so much by all the bad writing

This is a problem with all the Arrowverse shows; too many Damm pep talks. Granted Diggle's pep talk this episode was one of the best, and of all the "Oliver broods and the team has to bring him back into the light" plotlines, this is one of the better ones, but I still feel it suffers from the general Arrowverse

There are severe restrictions on depicting smoking on cable TV though, that's why on Constantine they rarely showed Constantine smoking even though his character is canonically a chain smoker

France was controlled by the Nazis for most of WWII, I think it's fairly arguable that WWII was worse for France than WWI

Yah the speed being tied to gravity doesn't make sense. Like didn't Thawne need his speed to shapeshift into that other guy?

*Cue Barry saving his mom again*

*cough cough* FLASH

I didn't think the ending song Barry sang to Iris was a dud at all. I admit it was stupid for him to break up with her just so he could get back with her and propose again in this episode, but Gustin's singing was really good. It was certainly more charming than any of Barry's other attempts to woo Iris.

I love that Pam is the universal name for HR reps

Yah Joe is definitely a little too defensive of Barry. At least the other characters occasionally acknowledge that he's to blame for things

I miss when Julian was confined to Barry's CCOD life, he was so much more interesting then and brought a different flavor to the show

That would make so much sense if Savitar is future Barry

No, because she always did that

That would acruelly explain a lot of the problems with this show