
Here, here, sign me up. This kid needs to go racing!

I’ll pitch in for a Jalopnik sponsorship for Kira. She is now in the heart of karting in Italy!

I think more than a few of them are worried because this is so blatant that it is bound to attract the Feds attention to the community and once they get involved they start pulling at all sorts of threads. This will not be the only one brought in with some sort of scam, and they are now worried their own cars could be

And really, who can put a price on that honor?

People like curiosities. 

If i remember right, at LeMans it’s ether limp it back, or get stuck track side for HOURS with the bike/car. It is quite the task getting machines ferries around after a crash that didn’t get carte to the garage.
Another benefit of this is that you can potentially get back in the race if its repairable (by the rules)

To make him feel better about himself. Think of it as an allowance from daddy that he can pretend he earned. 

“Uralkali does not ‘injure, bring into dispute, ridicule

‘Gene, Gene, listen to me. We got them to pay for the new car. Now we can get rid of this piece of shit. Gene, listen, I know they’re unhappy and are demanding their money. But how are they going to receive it? They can’t! They’re the wankers, not us.’

I can’t find it now, but I saw this on twitter in the Vince-McMahon-getting-more-excited-meme format:

Thats what they said.

Good thing you didn't click on it

  • “I would like to sell this item for 1,655% of what I paid for it.”

It actually stood for Half Hearted Retro

That concept wasn’t related to the Ion at all. Absolute image search fail.

Easy, it was a better place to stop because there weren’t any cops around.

The driverless vehicle stopped, then tried to find a better place to stop a little further up the road, where it would be safer for a traffic stop to take place.

Was waiting for one of them to rip a LIDAR sensor off the roof and kneel on its cord while the other officers looked on.

Driving at night without lights on, wow, they really are getting as good as the average human driver.