What’s the penalty for chopping up journalists?
What’s the penalty for chopping up journalists?
Your jacket says Red Bull gives you wings, are you a pilot?!?
“Name Tsunoda, from Japan huh, where were you on December 7, 1941?”
To the OP: This is INSANE but check this out, I ALSO live in NJ, and ALSO bought a 2020 M5, and they ALSO broke into my house to steal the keys last week, except my dog and myself chased them out. As if that was not coincidental enough, the car on the post is my EXACT spec, and my wife is also against the car now in…
Voyager 1 finally calls home, drunk and broke. “Hey guys, sorry, my phone battery like must have died or something. Yeah, I had to borrow this old phone to call you. So like, can you send some money? I’ll give you an address. No, cash would be better, cause like uh, yeah, just send cash. I promise I’ll be home for the…
It was most likely used by the owner’s kids, with a dealer tag on it. Maybe a rental or service loaner, but those are typically reported as fleet or service, to get those incentives. There is an outside chance that it was sold and by accident never reported, and turned up somewhere for warranty work or recall and…
I am guessing the salary in Toledo are not the same as in Washington DC...
I can’t wait for the housing bubble to burst. It’s the only way I’ll ever be able to afford to buy anything at all.
It’s from Oscar Wilde, so carelessness should not exactly be read literally:
...carelessness an insurance job”
Did you read the article? He used the sign after he was unable to get any buyers from his online ads.
I knew I couldn’t be the only one that thought Lancia when I saw it. That R3X pushes all the right buttons, now I want to see the price tag before I legitimately get excited.
That’s got to be one of the worst car names ever.
Everything about this car is what Elon wishes the Cybertruck was
I feel like they need to get Keanu Reeves as Johnny Silverhand to market it.