
His name is Rougned Odor. It would be more shocking to find out this behavior was actually out of character than anything else.

Hush Puppies are probably my least favorite food on this list and maybe in contention my all-time least favorite food. How did this happen?!?

I definitely agree with you about Cecil Station though. It has had Temple advertising for as long as I can remember, and the temporary increase really did not seem like a big deal, especially compared to a lot of other issues in and around campus.

This is all fine, and it’s okay to feel one way or the other about any of those things. The problem is, an opinion from either side is going to be uninformed without the details Right to Know requests can provide.

I understand that Cosby is the national story here, but on a day-to-day level the impact is that it is almost impossible for both local residents and students to get clear answers about Temple’s ambitious expansion plans. This sucks, because a lot of residents have legitimate questions about Temple’s gentrification

This. It was hardly secret and when Burress apparently brought it to the mainstream recent Temple alumni and students pretty much went: “Took this long + a comedian for you folks to take this seriously?”

You sound angry. Maybe you could benefit from some therapy yourself?

If he was a few years older and the ‘gag’ was in front of one adult female coach he would've been okay and would've eventually won a few Super Bowls.

Does Kinja get commission from these brands’ competitors? That would be a sweet deal.

I’m not usually about ‘snitches get stitches,’ but this feels exceptional.

To be fair, he took Sam Hinkie’s English for Sixers course which promised to enable him to help the team in 2013 by reducing his intelligence on a level that would reduce the team’s potential wins by atleast 3 games. Unfortunately, Hinkie found he would only reduce team wins by 2.9 wins and thus never even attempted

I’d be offended at what a CD could independently create itself musically too. Sentience and/or independent computational ability is pretty vital to the process of making modern music.

But does her husband say he ever put his hands on your aunt? Clearly that’s all that matters to Greg Hardy, what her husband says he’s done.

Used to think Chris Cooley was a poor man’s Jason Witten.

The version applicable to you is much shorter:

Is the country going to die or is one of these men going to be president? Or both? trouble deciding?

“There should be a special state law that says if you make a delivery guy deliver without tipping him he should legally be able to throw you down the stairs.”

I couldn’t tell you how Thrift Shop goes. However, that song with the dude with the soulful voice about ceilings that was on every commercial for 1-2 years was okay.

“Lofa Tatupu? Do you mean Sofa Tatupu? I’ll put it on my IKEA list.”

Holy shit you have no life.