
I wanted to give Lizzo the benefit of the doubt, ie she treated coworkers more like friends and when that soured the dynamic caused a lot of hurt and anger. Her initial response to the accusations was startlingly bad, and then counter-suing is also a bad look. And the defense hinging on “they look like they were

Thank you for clarifying the late 90s/00s, which was the period I was referring to when I was in high school, but forgot to include in my post. And I agree, Britney is the poster child of that late 90s cognitive dissonance.

Who is this debate for? trump is going to get the nom because repubs are all spineless losers. None of these people are going to be VP based on the strength of this debate; its whoever trump wants to pick based on loyalty to him alone.

Maybe it’s the same now (but I doubt it) but high school/college was a wild time for this shit. Maxim/Esquire/Gear/whatever mags, the last gasp of sex-driven comedies with casual nudity,, Tucker Max and all his bullshit... I feel like that reached a peak when I was in the late teens/early 20s, but I

Random thoughts, because what else is the internet for:

Fair point

Disney - “make better creative choices” is pretty weak/obvious advice. It’s like telling someone to only buy winning lottery tickets - no shit. If that was possible, I am sure they would love to do it.

Looking at this list now, I am reminded why I never took an interest in any of them: the projects either have no idea other than the creative attached to it and the ideas that are there are pretty blah. It almost seems like Disney wants to keep SW in the news by hyping a few exploratory phone calls as projects in

I keep meaning to rewatch Elysium and see if it is as disappointing as I remember. I skipped Chappie and no desire to see that one; all I remember was that weirdo rap group was in it and that seemed like a hard pass. Sad that Blomkamp took the M. Night Shaymalan trajectory by starting strong and having diminishing

My interest in AHS has waned severely and a cast led by a thoroughly unlikable group of people in Roberts/Delavigne/Kardashian, based around a premise to which I am ambivalent, is not going to draw me in. Maybe I’ll go finish S5 or S10 instead.

Solid list and actually a good reminder of some things I have been meaning to watch (Los Espookys S2, for example).

I assume his 50-page plan was written in feces smeared on the wall of his cell in solitary because he is batshit crazy if he thinks this is happening again.

Like so many of his ilk, he equates being born on third base with hitting a triple.

My partner and I kept expecting 50s Riverdale to be like Rivervale and they were going to snap out of it after a handful of episodes and go back to the “present”. With each passing episode, we realized this was sadly not going to happen.

I am going to miss Riverdale, even if S7 was a step back. And Nancy Drew *should* have been getting recaps on this site.

repubs really hit the jackpot cultivating a base that is so stupid and bereft of critical thinking that “this sounds like something I want to be true irrespective of the facts, or lack thereof” is exactly the same as “truth”. What is doubly sad/funny is this same base is full of idiots who crow about being “lions, not

This is me. My partner and I met on OKC years ago and the Q&A was a big source of finding we were compatible. In fact, there was only one question that was a huge source of difference between us that became a running joke now that we are several years into our marriage.

My guess is that he doesn’t actually care because he (like everyone in the gqp) has no principles, but if forced would say something like “the boycott worked and Budweiser learned their lesson, so its okay now”.

Sometimes I like to pretend that this is some Banksy-level shit musk is pulling, showing how fucking pointless CEOs are and how we should really be working to eliminate people like him from society. But a second later I snap back to reality and remember that, no, elon is just a loser who would be considered dangerous

Thornhill existed in like a different dimension. I was blown away that it took them until S6 to actually get into magic/whatever the superpowers are. I was convinced we were going to get actual ghosts in Thornhill in like S2.