As someone dealing with a lesser form of insurance hell, you’re not alone.
As someone dealing with a lesser form of insurance hell, you’re not alone.
I saw the first Hobbit movie with the person I was seeing at the time and at dinner afterwards, they expressed that it just kind of ends abruptly and they were expecting a bit more epic after LotR. It took me a few minutes before I realized they had no idea it was movie 1 of 3.
I think a good portion of those followers are borderline illiterate, and the ones who can read are usually evil enough to twist the interpretation for the dumber ones.
This probably speaks to me personally rather than a broader range of people, but I have heard a bunch about some of those shows, heard of a few others in passing and never even heard of a handful of others. I have watched almost none of them. I have a bunch of streaming services and the fact of the matter is, I just do…
For awhile I was getting the Big Mac with those thin, gray rice cake patties and I indeed wondered wtf I was doing a couple of those times.
Right? It’s not like the bargaining process is Fran Drescher on one side of a conference table and a million studio exec lawyers on the other side lobbing proposals back and forth.
The soundtrack was pretty good. The movie was... not my favorite, but to each their own. It wasn’t bad, but like a lot of X-Files episodes just had no staying power with the passage of time for me.
The picture isn’t the best look, especially with that scab, but the response or “backlash” to it is pretty overblown. This is like someone closing down all their work and just leaving email open at 4:45 on a Friday in the summer. Should they really be working those last 15 minutes? Yes. Is that going to have any…
Damn if I didn’t read that in Mr. Sheffield’s voice and almost spit out my coffee.
I am curious how the party that prides themselves as pro-military no matter what is going to spin this. I honestly think that repubs have achieved nirvana in that they have half the voting population voting for them no matter what the policies and stances (or lack thereof) are.
Two I would add: Summer Rental (completely breezy film that gets by on the strength of John Candy’s charisma) and Summer of ‘84 (a solid premise and an okay movie with a climax that does not really match the tone of the other 95% of the movie).
I’m not sure I understand the tone of this article. I think there a lot of people who enjoy doing [thing] but don’t enjoy all the shit that is [thing] adjacent. I love meeting friends for brunch on Sunday, but I don’t love waking up early, taking an hour+ ride to the city (both ways), waiting because the spot we went…
Great points all around.
I love that the guy who is going to “fix this crazy economy” is the same guy lighting money on fire to (possibly illegally) solicit donations so that he can get crushed like a rotten rutabaga under the clown car that is trump.
Im almost done with IBO and Naze’s harem is pretty bad, but the child bride is worse. It’s a fucking cartoon and watching those two together makes my stomach churn.
Ah, the 90s indeed.
This person being popular enough to have a tour is my official “I don’t understand kids anymore” moment that parents have when they realized that pop culture had passed them, it was no longer for them, and it will never be for them again.
Land of the Lost - I didn’t see this one, but at this point Ferrell’s schtick already seemed stale. I watched the 90s reboot and thought it was... okay and this movie just seemed like an excuse for Ferrell to do Ferrell things. Pass.
I saw them both, enjoyed the first one and for the life of me could not say a single thing about the second. Without googling, I think Rose Byrne was in it? And she played a soldier? No idea.
This probably wouldn’t have registered for me otherwise, due mostly to the fact that I sort of assumed this is just the way Hill speaks. I think of when he described a MiB/Jump Street crossover as clean, rad and powerful. At least on screen, it seems like he has this sort of meticulous, clinical way of speaking.