
In this time of great divisiveness, rather than rallying around a crime against our people committed by the GOP and their funders, I’d like to further divide us by pointing out the divisions that allowed this to happen”

I believe he was quoted: “I like popular music, and your favorite sports team, as well. Beto hates children.”

If they really want Beto to win, they should have Hillary Clinton and Obama put out a joint endorsement of Ted Cruz. 

this was a really crappy thing to do.

You said that 10 years ago and it was also true, no?

cocaine is a hell of a drug

He was also (and might still be) an incredibly talented recording artist

Its probably not as bad for you as just being fat. So go after Paul Giamatti first

Listen, you don’t need to know math to be a scientist. Like, if you learn music, you aren’t an album. You’re a person. I learned that in biology class. 

You could also just have a King/Queen. I volunteer, I’m a pretty decent guy with critical thinking skills and low ambition. 

unless they have some magic play

you might also be rescuing someone from joining a kidnapping situation!


He looks white enough to me

Classic! How many times a day do you bait people into letting you drop that juicy bomb that you’re the child of Mexican immigrants when your argument is shitty as a way to win because you have the most liberal street cred?

No, I’ve had it pretty good. I’m just naturally not as idiotic as your generation where you don’t understand that can all go away and that many people don’t get that chance. So go fuck yourself, waste-of-privilege.

That is funny. There are enough trolls on jez for this ad for trump tees to be cost-effective. Wild times. #theinternetfornormalpeoplewasabadidea

Because someone shitty will replace them. Its called the tragedy of the commons. What I do as an individual that is best for me is worst for others, and if I do something that is good for others, that will allow others to get a better deal than me. Its like when a lane on the highway closes and you can either choose

you’re telling Red State Democrat-voters that you won’t support them.

lol if you are ever nominated to the supreme court I expect you to use this defense when your drug use comes up