
Yes, because both the root and splinter get the most clicks if we get people to have HARD OPINIONS and know that someone else is WRONG AND MUST BE TOLD

Not gonna click your link. I do think it is hilarious that you called me Hitler though. Isn’t your go-to move saying messed up shit and then claiming people are not credible since you goaded them into calling you a nazi?

I’m gay (do you use slurs for us too?) and I have a boyfriend.

Milo...? Is that you?

lol “apologize for your mistake”

lol this retard says he has hamno’s number and is waiting for someone to say OK post it and then he’s gonna be like “No, doxing is wrong!”

Yeah, exactly they should have the balls to put their name behind it. What’s your name, BTW? I’m sure you got big balls, right?

You just tried to say that a public employee’s cell phone, paid for with public tax dollars, is the same a personal cell phone.


I pay for your personal cell phone too. I pay for your spouse’s (if you have one). Your children. In fact, every dime that everyone makes is because of everyone else. Care to drop those in the comments or nah?

1. It is an OK tactic. I’m sure its annoying

No, you’re not a nazi because you weren’t around back then. But you are whatever your shitty government tells you to be, thats for sure.

Cool, I’ll be posting your phone number soon then.

Prove to me that he pays for that cell phone himself. 10-1 odds that phone is payed by my tax dollars.

I’m a public employee. My phone number is on the agency web site. How much you wanna bet Miller doesn’t pay for that cell phone personally?

This isn’t about illegal immigration. Trump is building a parent-less child workforce for Ivanka so she can move her factories to America. Check and mate, China.

Have you noticed that when “Progressives” talk to you they often accidentally use the word “retarded” a lot more?

It’s annoying, honestly. The common rhetorical tactics that dumb people think make them sound smart, especially on the internet, though their actual words have little substance. This is another example.

more rings than curry/gsw?

Yeah, we were about to drop an atomic bomb on a city chalk full of civilians. Forgetting these things that America has done is part of the reason we are here again.