
We get it. You like a really shitty show and don’t know that it is shitty and assume it must be THIS SEASON that is shitty and not the entire premise of the show. We get it

I dunno, Dickens was obsessed with certain women and had a really odd fixation with his SIL,

Yeah I feel like Dickens is reaching due to era. I mean, where’s somebody saying “HOLY SHIT. EVERY SINGLE WRITER FROM THE 1800s ABUSED WOMEN!”

also he’s never written anything that good. he should probably write for TV

but he’s not a good writer

Probably slightly less racist than most of America, frankly

Why did you let the horse into the hospital?

When discussing a possible crime committed, the policeman lamented... “OH, but this crime was committed IN THE PAST. Nevermind.”

Maybe... if they take our guns away. And then only maybe.

Have any salesman had their kids come up and ask you if you are happy with your current energy provider, lol?

I would take that note as to communicate that you’re a pedophile

Lol so if I date a black girl does that make me blacker? (I’m white)

What about bill cosby?

finely grind some habenero pepper, apply a layer of oil, and then sprinkle the habenero into your beard over the oil. When he licks you, he will be done for the game

wahhhhh! WAHHHHHH


The 76ers will have enough cap space to pay him decent for a year or two. That would be a team

Haha, I get it you were exaggerating, just ribbin’ ya. Pun intended!

I mean, it isn’t flarida either, but that doesn’t make it good.

Maybe she was ugly or a minority or something else that an NFL exec wouldn’t like, like maybe she was really tall but not super skinny. GROSS!