Also, he might not have mean black by your people, he might have meant the poors. He probably has like 70 friends and the poorest one has 4 houses
Also, he might not have mean black by your people, he might have meant the poors. He probably has like 70 friends and the poorest one has 4 houses
Have you seen the video? Serious question, and for me the answer is no fuckin way: If YOU were the driver here, driving your regular car down a divided highway, doing the speed limit at night, and some person ran out in front of your vehicle, would you feel it was fair for them to sue you?
Then again, when you jump out in front of a moving vehicle on a divided highway at night the ball is sort of in your court, no?
Uber’s business model was essentially to identify the government imposed monopoly around taxi laws, break all the laws and hire tons of lawyers with investor money, become a new giant taxi company, cut wages and exist as a monopoly.
Its kind of like if on deadspin someone was like “hey what the fuck why didnt you cover how the blue jays won this weekend, you wrote 4 articles about how the red sox came back from 7 in the 9th”
Uh, no, you look them up. This story isn’t any more remarkable than when a cop shoots someone trying to hurt someone else. Happens all the time. The reason it is a non-story is because only 1 kid died, and that isn’t news anymore.
If you’re also totally devoid of any deep thoughts?
I noticed you ignored my reply. There have been 17 school shootings this year. How many of them got splinter articles? Have you figured out that people care more when more people die, or are you too obsessed with your weird john wayne narrative to see that this shooting is just another blip on the map. One person died…
Not really. How many of the 17 school shootings this year has splinter covered? Basically, they cover the ones where more people die. Only one person died in this one, OP is just mad because he has an obsessive agenda that he feels should be broadcast due to this incident fitting his weird john wayne narrative.
Only one person died. There have been like 20 school shootings THIS YEAR where at least one person died. Did you complain when the other ones didn’t get written about, or are you in fact the one with an obsessive agenda?
The technology is not an electric car. Examples of important technology would be
I don’t know. That’s the point. Saying “Millennial” does me no good. I’m pretty sure somebody born in 1994 would often be considered a millennial. So is it 18-24 or is it 18-27?
See, retarded means slow, and the reality is that many people on the autism spectrum are not “slow,” they are better described as different. The word retarded ascribed to them is, in my opinion, a misnomer. It is much better ascribed to “normal” people (without a diagnoses, or independent of any diagnoses) who DO…
Uh, if you read the thread before posting why did you point out something to me that I obviously already knew because I stated it with the editorial
Something something Bernie Sanders fault something something Clinton is God something something Bernibros Trump something something
Um... see my other posts? Specifically:
I can see you’ve thought about this a lot and tried to engage intellectually and don’t just want to yell at people
I actually use the word retarded for a reason. I’ve worked many years with the developmentally disabled, and the cross-use of retarded is at a tipping point.
So how do I go about determining a percentage based on that generally accepted range?
So how do I determine percentage of total millennials? What is the top cutoff age?