This is a microcosm of the issue with the two party system in general. It is a paradox of the commons, and will inevitably lead to... well, here we are. Unfortunately I don’t think this is rock bottom. Hope I’m wrong
This is a microcosm of the issue with the two party system in general. It is a paradox of the commons, and will inevitably lead to... well, here we are. Unfortunately I don’t think this is rock bottom. Hope I’m wrong
Yeah, you’re who OP was talking about. People too stupid to understand the gravity of what a government does, instead choosing to fixate on issues about god or toys that make them feel good about themselves, feel like they are in control when the reality is obviously otherwise.
There are several thousand people saying weird aggressive shit on the internet every day. You want to use your tax dollars to quadruple the size of the FBI? Howbout we just get rid of guns and stop wasting my fucking money pretending there are better ways to stop gun violence like a bunch of door-to-door salesman…
How many single room schools were shot up with muskets? How many guys with muskets walked the town square trying to indescriminately mow down passers-by?
I have friends who aren’t from America and, well, you know how Trump and his weird groupies have this idea about “bad” immigrants that we need to keep out?
Lol, I don’t care about Bernie’s record on gun control. Bernie could be in favor of guns for every man, woman, and child and I’d still vote for him based on his real issues, which are climate change, income inequality, and money in politics.
You are not doing your part well if you bring up the progressive wing of the Democratic party for no reason more than a year after the discussion was last relevant. You have an agenda, and you are a liar. You aim to divide the left, because you suck ass.
Lol, yes, one could say I am an extremist. Like the progressive kind, who understands that Hillary is a continuation of the corrupt politics that run this country. Certainly better than Trump, who threatens us with a more visceral authoritarianism, but still, a continuation of corruption.
You - “Numbers and stuff, guns don’t kill that many people”
Good point. After Hillary defeated Bernie in the primary it seems they went into hiding or something. They were a lazy crowd to begin with, so not very surprising that they have all but disappeared.
Let me explain to you how this works:
I wonder how many times you’ve written this. 100? 1,000? And still, nobody stars your idiotic comment. It is almost as if saying it over and over doesn’t make it any more true. Strange
“I also believe we need gun control,”
It is sort of like how I enjoy my gasoline powered car but would like us to stop short of drilling in Alaska. It is all about money, autistic industrialism. We’ve an economy predicated upon infinite growth and can’t be bothered with the laws of thermodynamics, let alone murdered children.
Yeah, I’m not convinced taxing guns would be effective at curbing gun violence - however, guns are a serious financial drain in society. My tax dollars pay for the damage done by guns, the resulting lawsuits and policy changes at public institutions.
Why did you quote me about taxes and then talk about voter ID laws? Are you retarded? That was a rhetorical question, which I assume you didn’t pick up on.
But the key is that laws stop the lawful
So did you delete you post about added school security now that you found out the school had police present at the time of the shooting?
Don’t call other people ignorant when you’ve been paying taxes all your life and don’t understand what they are for. You just tried to say that we shouldn’t tax guns because that would be punitive. What a retard.