
You’re hilarious. Trust me, I know exactly how this works.

Her husband works for one of the largest firms in the country with hundreds of big name clients. He works in their healthcare group. There is nothing to see here.

Awesome would never be the word to describe Colin kapernick

And dismiss, dismiss, dismiss! Don’t engage. (Directed at everyone, not you.)

Calling out hot takes has become a hot take.

Holy shit! A black person killed another black person in Chicago?!? Well if this isn’t fucking news I don’t know what is. This is the first time a black person has killed another black person in that city since about three minutes ago. Fucking white people. . . . .

I'm assuming the gun that was used in this tragedy was obtained legally and with all the correct paperwork. Of course not.

Poor take. You can have issues with the government but still respect the country

I believe Ryan lochte, there I said it. I truly think the poor boy thought he was being robbed and I think the over reaction is simply that along with a shakedown

You mean to tell me a shithole Islamic country can't get its act together and keep things under control? Shocking!

Thing is... he was also still robbed at gunpoint. I get that the story he told was false but it is not typical “law and order” that private security guards can draw weapons on you and demand cash payment for a crime they’re accusing you of. If you come to my apartment and break my door and I point a gun at you and

Thanks for the link.

Yes, I get that they vandalized a bathroom but it does appear that the gas station owners then held them at gunpoint to get the cash for the damages.

Until Locte kills his spouse in a bi-polar fit, Courtney Love should just STFU.

Everybody knows it was the parents.

Samantha Bee and her husband Jason Jones are trying to make sure no poor kids get to go to their kid’s school

At the same time, she’s bothered that fencing requires her daughter to shake hands with male referees and travel without a male guardian.

Religious freedom is good, but the need liberals feel to celebrate abhorrent religious practices when they’re practiced by the non-dominant religion is pretty pathetic.

Yea. It’s that. Not that the teams are awful and historically irrelevant.