
You don’t have to like the results, but the hard metrics bear out the fact that a) women like the Olympics more than men b) women enjoy the emotional journey more than the actual result. If women wanted to just watch the races and nothing else, than NBC would give them that if that was what got ratings. TV executives

He has a funding page with a goal of 100,000. It has been up for over four months and the thankful and generous people of Tonga have responded patriotically to the tune of 6200.

They were RIOTS dude, not protests.

Mediums who claim they can talk to your dead relatives are scum. Let’s make people their most vulnerable and then give them hope that they are reconnecting with a loved one by making vague references that could be almost anyone!

So we’re “pussies” for rejecting racism in favor of “political correctness”

White men getting offended over other people getting offended is the most pussy shit of all. Just fucking get over it.

That’s edgy stuff! Wishing death on an elderly man— actually, an elderly genius— but your tough guy facade goes out the window the minute you demand counseling at your university because somebody wrote “Trump” in chalk. A millennial pretending to be edgy is fucking laughable. I could bring you to the verge of cutting

Not sure how that’s a “white analogy” or why you should apologize if it is. Perhaps you could relate this to flying planes into the twin towers so no one is offended.

Hannah is not going to shoot it straight with you so here it goes. Your friend looks upset when that happens because she knows you’re the type of judgmental bitch who expects her to whip her partner into line with your standards. The type of person who writes off an otherwise good person because of one harmless

I’d say that life’s too short to get all worked up about minor remarks. A hot lesbian crack set you off, letter writer? Really? And she admits it happens once every three months. If this guy really is cool outside of his quarterly journeys into bad taste, just grin and bear it.

this is the same person who thinks a museum with the brides friends would make a good bachelor party. So yeah her opinion is horse shit.

Please stick to car blogging. We all know which way Gawker staff leans and anything that even barely paints your Dear Leader in the wrong light will be disputed by you. Thanks.

He’s speaking like 75% of guys in the U.S. And it’s obviously not right but maybe just ignore it and deal like the rest of the world has to deal with whiners like you

It’s exactly what I think it is. There is only one use for that much in cash. Fund terrorism. As for the deal to return the $400 million (plus outrageous interest), Iran actually owes US companies much more than that in nationalized assets after their theocratic takeover.

Legitimate transfer payments between two countries (or two anything) aren’t done in the middle of night with pallets of cash on an airplane. They’re done using wire transfers.

At the time, there was speculation from U.S. Speaker Paul Ryan and others that the payment amounted to a ransom for the four Americans

I still think it’s shady that we gave $400m in untraceable cash to a regime that funds a lot of really really bad opposed to the somewhat-bad groups we’re funding.

Making a mountain out of a molehill here. Sheesh.