
Or Bella Swann from Twilight. I'm sorry, you know you are pretty bad at academics when your rich boyfriend had to bribe the admin committee so that you can get into The University of Alaska.

This is really unethical of me and I still feel bad about it. That said…it is my only revenge story, and it is epic.

Bro, I can see that you Pubmed (or at least whoever it is you got the copypasta from can Pubmed). Do understand that not all papers have the same level of scientific rigor.

And how many of these papers have you read? Most people would expect an annotated bibliography at the minimum when you are presenting a lit search. Half of these papers are not even relevant.

Valar Morghulis

One of my bucket list items is "play D&D with Vin Diesel."

I was blown away by this! As for the music, people will either enjoy it or not. However, to anyone complaining of tackiness or the fact that many of the performers were hetero, I would offer my experience tonight. I, as a young closeted gay was able to watch this with my deeply religiously conservative family in

Stop trying to make "bitch bred" happen.

For the statically inclined:

Mercola is to real medicine as rubber ducky is to a battleship.

fair and balanced

While I haven't read the book, I have heard of it, and it seems the consensus from scientifically-literate people is that it's not very good (the journal Nature - the highest impact-factor journal out there - apparently panned it). But I have read individual studies regarding sexual dimorphism in brain structures, and

It has been an honor to be a part of this project. I can tell you firsthand that this has been one of the most healing, courageous things that any of us has ever done.

I have been pleasantly surprised at the positive reaction Mormon Women Bare has received; I expected to be slut-shamed for it, and while there have

Tosh is the first person to ask if something is racist?

So before the "BUT BIRTH DEFECTS" brigade comes marching in, let's consider the per capita rates of various issues based on maternal age. We will assume that paternal age is either a non-factor or constant at "whatevs" because this is about women being shamed into babby-making, not the other way around.) Also because

Just a note from the North... Up at UBC, despite the referendum result, the faculty is going ahead with funding the program and the Dean of Commerce has issued a statement basically saying he'd disgusted by the referendum results, when the referendum was supposed to be a technicality in the first place, but that it

My father and his buddies got a moose last weekend. I am so excited for the summer sausage.

We get it Sarah, your new word for the day was embolden, you don't need to use it every three sentences. I worked on her rival's campaign for my senior project one year. I have been kicking myself ever since for not doing more. I have a friend who was rear-ended by her on Northern Lights and Minnesota, she regrets