
But meningococcal meningitis isn't a "gay disease," not that such a thing exists. In can be spread through same sex contact the same way it can be spread through male-female sex. It can also be spread by making out and snuggling, neither of which are a "gay" thing last time I checked.

What an incredibly naive thing to

This is probably a bad moment to voice my support for Without a Clue.

Long time lurker with a question/request-

Uh. His comment is not racist.

Dear Lindy,

"The sexualization of women is only appealing if it's nonconsensual. Otherwise it's 'sluttiness,' and sluttiness is agency and agency is threatening and so, therefore, sluttiness must equal disposability." —> Thank you so much for this! You took my rage against double standards and put it into words...

Finally founds my new car! Glad it's over. Car shopping sucks. Of course now I get the pleasure of learning a new car. I had my last one for over three years and knew everything that was wrong with it. It's like opening a gift box that you already know is full of something gross, you just have to open it and find out

So, last Wednesday I posted somewhere on Jezebel about a stray cat I found lying in the middle of my field. I'm happy to report that he's doing way better and started exploring the house today. :) He has one more vet trip in a few weeks for boosters, at which point I will have invested enough in this cat to feel ok

Go and help Brendan Fraiser fight the mummy, Horus.

I'd tap dat! And the picture with him and the cute baby, just makes my lady parts feel funny. Tell him he's welcome in San Francisco's Twin Peaks neighborhood anytime...

In case anyone needs a palate cleanser in shirts you can buy and wear form A Mighty Girl has a really great collection including Super Heroines! A Mighty Girl shirts

I have been street harassed while in my car. Stopped in an intersection waiting to turn left and a pedestrian walked up to my car and started saying vaguely obscene things to me through the driver's side window. I mean, nowhere near as frightening as this example but it does not surprise me that there are extreme

Reddit does the same thing. Go argue in favor of a contrary point of view on a sub-reddit. See how long it takes before your post gets downvoted into oblivion.

This is awesome. I love the emotion she displays, she seems very genuine.

Gosh, how'd this branch get in my eye?

SHE needs to provide justice to THEM by making sure their fucking fragile feelings aren't damaged by a picture of her boobs that they passed around. Gah!

Is the video in an incredibly low frame rate? It is near unwatchable for me, and I'm watching it on a Mac Pro with 2 x 2.66 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon and 22 GB of RAM, so I don't think it's a hardware issue...

Kittens > Puppies

No I'm half-jewish but didn't get bar mitzvahed of anything. My dad is