

wow. I've never heard that before, and now I'll never erase that from my brain; sorry Cuntucky. I like a lot of things about your state, Cuntucky, so it's kind of a shame.


she (ms. coupe) has a certain wiry-armed meanness that should work well as a lawyer. I support this.

so in other words he should be feeding himself, not that ass. that he's feeding in the link.

I've been getting my kids, who are 2 and 5, into early QOTSA. no shame. no shame.

I'm also a weirdo who regularly rocks out to The Who Sell Out and A Quick One but I don't think I've ever listened to Quadrophenia. fixing that now. my dilettantism will be the death of me. also, @avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus
isn't a troll.

my dad didn't listen to The Who and in high schol all my friends were into the PF and the Zep, which for me don't hold up.

Well he needs to get amused, because that shit is funny. He just needs to lose himself to dance.

we have a lot of rain boots. and sports bras and fleece. always the fleece.

I guess you're just going to have to go to the opera more often, then. I liked the one I bought because it's not super dressy, but could be dressed up for court or fancy dinner or whatnot. I would literally have no reason to wear a more formal coat. I don't go the ballet, and seattle is, well, what I imagine

sooooo smooth.
she just calls it that because the first time I made them listen to it, I said, "girls, now we're going to listen to some rock and roll."

dude at the bike shop, whom I have decided to trust for purposes of this thread, said it's supposed to keep up for another week. eh. I prefer it to rain.
Hi from somewhere in the central district!

I kinda missed you too. I would do an emoticon here if I didn't know that the ultimate result would be horrifying.

X = A Feast for Crows, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, Anathem, and a host of other worthies.

twins. holy shit. good luck with that. but I'm sad for your running career. I would keep it up at all costs. you're going to need it for your mental health. but twins. my life expertise fails.

wear it. WEAR IT. (if you like it. if not, sell it on eBay). the coat I just bought may or may not have something in common with it.

I have been on a huge QOTSA kick since the new album came out, and I dusted off my Rated R CD, and it's been in heavy rotation in the car.
in a few days my kids went from, "too loud!" to the little one screaming for ROCKEE ROH! (rock n roll) which is actually 2-year-old code for play "The Lost Art of Keeping a

I'm a badass because I gambled and won this morning: I have a slow leak in my rear bike tire and I made it to work without it going completely flat. and now I'm going to go to a nearby bike shop and, because I broke my AVC cold turkey and have used my discretionary time for the day, pay them to put a new tire on it,

but the hat spruces up your dessicated appearance. also you probably saved your joints, says CGTB's mom.