i didn't really laugh... maybe there's something wrong with me. maybe i'm supposed to have an ipad to think its funny. whatever, NEXT!
i didn't really laugh... maybe there's something wrong with me. maybe i'm supposed to have an ipad to think its funny. whatever, NEXT!
I can't really see a reason that anyone WOULDN'T like google instant... its just less pressing enter. lol. As lazy as that sounds, that's all it really is...
You could do this without the pinhole and get a better result probably
@Steffilarue: eh... its a stretch but I think i'll give it a chuckle or two (on the 10 chuckle hubert's scale of cake joke humor)
@Lactose_The_Intolerant: haha... nice
@joeCommenter: what psybab said, and the fact that its not as ergonomic as it could/should be are worth noting... whether you like apple or not, its a valid point.
@blyan: count me in
@MyExpense: actually, I believe its Cooties. While a computer script isn't able to detect smell based afflictions, it can be used to diagnose cootal cells in the early stages of development (used for preventing further cootification of mice into spinning beachballs and blue rings)
@TheGift73: you're so stupid for making that observation. probably the stupidest person I've ever seen on here.... god... what a dumbass... ;-)
@George Lim: lol, well that was cool, but my open windows also just cleaned themselves up (windows 7)
@pixelpushing: wow... that battery IS big...
@jetpowers: Couldn't you tell by her name? lol Hannaford...
@RainyDayInterns: when you buy a photo or a book, you're not paying for paper and ink, you're paying for the creation of what they contain. Its an art. Sure you can get a replica of a Monet painting, but the real thing would still worth paying extra for , if you appreciate art
@CasualSubversive: microstock sites are also a great example of that. I consider myself a semi-pro photographer and even I know that a lot of the work i've done is undercutting the real pros. I shot events for 50 bucks an assignment (whether it lasted a half hour or 6) in college, and have sold like 10 photos making a…
@RainyDayInterns: ....whatever, this isn't worth it
@RainyDayInterns: are you just arguing for the sake of arguing now? books are not what's cluttering up landfills. I'm not saying that we should keep printing tons and tons of books, I'm all for using e-books as an alternative to regular books as a way of being more environmentally conscious, but I'm just saying that…
@RainyDayInterns: true, but paper is a renewable resource and biodegradable.
@ThinkerTDM: not that there aren't crappy books there, but you know what i'm talking about. Look at how many shitty e-books there are on ebay vs. what barnes and noble sells.
seems like this method of publication will also lead to a lot of really crappy books...
@mr_mr: well, it was a joke, but i'm going to go along with you here... microsoft still sells a lot more of their products than apple.