
@Joe Stoner: so, are you saying you have an iphone? ;-)

kind of takes the meaning out of "improv"everywhere doesn't it? these people just kind of annoy me. We get it, you like attention!

oh lord, this is sad...

@usa1: there's a tag you can add to your URL, something like not:apple but I can't remember what exactly it is now...

sucks that he died, but why is this even ON gizmodo? I don't come here to be depressed by some stupid kid who accidentally killed himself with a bowflex. so sue me

too bad whenever I send someone a video i've already seen it...

I like the dinosaur one...

yeah, so i was sitting on my macbook pro the other day at starbucks when my iphone ran and told me my mercedes was done having the new rims installed. The problem was, I drove my Vespa to starbucks! FML...

@Nihilexistentialist: although i'm not really sure what XL means, i was just expecting to see more of it, considering the article explicitly mentioned vampire weekend... I always worry that its just me not seeing all the music or something. lol

@espinha: because, the first one was saying how stupid and useless it was, this one is praising most of the things they thought were stupid about it

@typica1cat: lol, and I thought i was the only one who owned one of these guys...

@CaptainJack: you're talking about a teapot , right?

coulda swore you guys were just bashing this "deliciously simple" piece of crap last week...

all i could find of Vampire weekend was 3 songs. 1 (as two separate items in the store for some reason) from the twilight soundtrack, and one from Nick and Norah's infinite shitty movie...

for my own sake, i wish we had things like this... I know i should be working out, but man... the motivation just isn't there.

lighting lighting lighting is pretty much the way to shoot ANYONE's portrait if you want it to look good... you gotta have softboxes, reflectors, kickers, hairlights...

lol, uh....

people say desktops are dying too though. what are college students supposed to do? buy an ipad and that's it? I don't see that happening

Its available for android too...