you'd never see a horse in a MICROSOFT store.... lol
you'd never see a horse in a MICROSOFT store.... lol
@snubz: but in all honesty, I just don't see WHY we should be excited about something that kind of already exists.... I mean, this is pretty much the same thing as what RED is building right now, in the present, isn't it? Sure 4K video might be cool (even if we don't have 4K resolution displays in our homes) but this…
@TheiPhoneDeveloper: FTW INDEED~!
i don't really care WHAT they're selling. This just gave me an idea. Velcro would cost less...
@snubz: actually, i know a TON about photos and video (more photography though, that's why i got the 4K thing wrong) . But you don't appear to really know anything about being an asshole.
why do we want this to be real? I dont need 4K resolution photos for anything...
"we called it months ago" what, do you want a pat on the back or something?
a photo wasn't necessary anyway... it just looks like a canon printer... the looks are (hopefully) far from what will make this thing desirable...
@OMG! British Dinosaur!: lol
"and they wont let anybody take pictures of it. Oops."
@Gary_7vn: shut up
Thats the biggest problem with 3D... too many requirements for it. you need a 3d capable player , then you gotta have glasses, and a capable television. I have a ps3 but i'm not even half way there
@sigurrosuntitled: you're talking to someone who uses a dSLR for everything...
one thing i've noticed about the iphone (and other smart phones, but to a lesser degree) is that there are so many apps that make it TOO much a part of your life. My non-smartphone doesn't have anything like that on it, becuase i don't take pictures with my phone that are for anything but sending to other people or…
so when are we goin to start recognizing this architecture as tired and unoriginal?
@Tiger-Fever: gizmodo only thinks about themselves when writing articles. Didn't you know that?
I voted for the first one, but that's only because "free ipod touches for PC users" wasn't on there, strangely...
I still don't get the rounded corners thing... It makes the display feel smaller
@AustinMiniMan: haha, nice.
Whats the meaning of this!?