
@dahveed: I kind of agree here, but it sounds like there are enough people with the problem that it IS something apple should address. I'm not an iphone user, and don't know if i really plan to be any time soon, but even though i'd think giz would be more likely to cast them in a bad light, they've been in love for

@drmrw: people need to start returning their phones if they don't work. I think that's the biggest thing. He can deny it becasue people are too stubborn to return defective products (probably becuase they're apple products )

that's kind of an ugly handle...

@clearbox: a rate is failure/total units sold. not just total sold so the RATE has nothing to do with how many they sold when comparing the two.

@gebinsk: its just like a webcam. Do I have one? Yeah. Do I USE it? hell no. I've used it for things other than chatting with people (such as trying to do VR head tracking on my computer) but for its actual intended purpose? no. I'd say 99% of the time, i don't really need or WANT to see the person i'm talking to on

@gloveofpower: its because they still love apple. Even if it means getting on their knees and BEGGING for a free bumper case..

Hey IDIOTS. Stop trying to find solutions and then bitching about how the signal sucks when you hold the phone. Vote with your wallet! RETURN THE PHONE. Seriously, this is probably the only way apple would fix the problem. think about it. "oh we have a bunch of people complaining about these phones, but nobody seems

@ribe04: i was referring to in the article when they said "coating the antenna was the solution suggested to us by a chemical engineer" like they have experts working with them to solve this problem or something. lol

well, steve jobs still thinks that the ipad is the best gaming device out there so...

nice idea, but i can't figure out for the life of me why you'd need a key fob to unlock all your cars at once. Need to get something out of BOTH cars at once? Now you can! Want to go for a drive in one car and unlock the other? All this an more is now possible with a simple hack!

you guys needed a chemical engineer to tell you that coating the antenna would fix it...?

they have these things everywhere where I live (minnesota) . I've seen them at the mall of america , best buy I think, and I know at least a couple other places (retail) like MicroCenter

adam frucci- resident tester of wierd and awesome shit.

wait, HOW does this look like an iphone?

I didn't even know there was a shooting challenge going on, but here's one i took and a few more on my flickr page..

this pisses me off. Robots aren't good enough yet to replace humans in space. Sure, they can take and analyze samples of things, but they cant tell you what it was like to be there, or take amazing photographs (robots are too short and lack an eye for photography)

so , lets sum this up... an advertising photo for a point and shoot camera was taken with a different brand of camera... I don't think they hire sony to take sony's photos, so considering that sony dslrs still aren't popular in the professional world, this isn't surprising. it just makes sense