
I'm sure (or at least i'd HOPE) someone's already said this, but all this proves is that post-processing goes a long way, and that its not ALL about the gear you use, if you don't have an eye for photography (and honestly some of these photos still suck) you wont get good photos no matter WHAT camera you're using.

@mrisinger: no, i'm just sick of gizmodo and their lack of good (non-apple) articles. Commenters everywhere are douchebags, but i think a lot of them congregate here. No need to be a dick...

@mocax: i don't know if that's ever been the case... I agree that it might be easier in those situations, but sometimes I'll even get a screenshot of an entire webpage because she wont just sent me a link... lol

@SkelatorDan: just promote me instead. I stand behind this comment 100%. lol

also known as "People to avoid"

my mom sends me screenshots of things from work because she doesn't quite understand the whole "save image as" function yet...

@m9105826: lol, ah, yeah, I see what you're saying. I'd say the best idea would be to just return it early, and buy again if it gets fixed, but yeah, i doubt many people will actually do that

@KamWrex: well, lets just say its water resistant, because in order for it to be useful as a waterproof powerstrip, you'd need waterproof devices to plug into it

@Stem_Sell: woah man. that's a higher-level-thinking pun right there...

@m9105826: has it even been out for 30 days? (isn't that the return period)

@matt512512: I think ther'es probably a line between profiling and checking things that could hid other things inside them. Kind of like you couldn't claim that they couldn't check your pizza box because you were italian...

@I Think We're Property: my question would buy WHY would anyone really want to buy a snowglobe in the first place, if it weren't to smuggle drugs or explosives in? lol

@frigg: I just meant the people who instead of returning it, are demanding a free bumper case.

@peligro_: stubbornness and sense of entitlement i guess

@frigg: well apparently it isn't that way for EVERYONE though, is it?

@MazdaMania: I'm in the same boat as you. I was actually considering buying this one. now i'll probably just switch over to verizon or something once my contract expires

ok, where's that jackass that argued with me on here for 3 days straight about how the iphone doesn't have any design flaws?

@mecha2142: same quality as any thin silicone case I'm guessing. Silicone isn't expensive or hard to make into a case (other than tooling costs) so they're probably still making a little money on these by charging a little extra for shipping