
From what I’ve seen, I think he’s learned his lesson. Namely, that if you’re really, really good at an incredibly popular sport, you can probably get away with shit like this.

Miko....That’s....That’s not how birds work at all.

“I can do for you what I did for Ryan Howard and Ryan Zimmerman!” is the worst drug dealer pitch of all time.

You also failed to mention my son scoring his first basket in his basketball league.

How can a moment that wasn’t any of ours’ favorite sports moment of the year be a glaring omission from a list of our favorite sports moments of the year?

You’re not big on context are you? Whether or not the Giants understood the Panthers little inspirational bat gimmick that they apparently do, I don’t think that its very reasonable to suspect that an NFL football player wearing a helmet and pads and surrounded by 52 other teammates also in full padding and helmets,

With all the concern the NFL pretends on brain damage how the hell was OBJ not ejected for this. It's a blindside helmet to helmet late hit. He launched himself headfirst at the head of an unsuspecting player. That's how serious injuries, concussions, etc happen and he should have immediately kicked out of the game.

Dear Lord, click the damn link.

Somehow, Cortland Finnegan is not the least likable player in this game today. That’s a pretty fucking remarkable thing.

This is a big change from the usual experience in Minny, which is “Vikings Fan Says He Was Confronted At Game By Man Who Demanded To Know If He Could Play As A Cover-2 Safety”.

“Respect for stay-at-home mothers has been poisoned by a toxic combination of the village elders’ war on the traditional family and radical feminism’s misogynistic crusade to make working outside the home the only marker of social value and self-respect.’’

deadspin and also profootballfocus (who think he’s the worst CB in the league) and pretty much everyone with two eyes.

Alternate Fox News Headline:

The unwritten rules of baseball say this should be settled on the field by Harper waiting until Papelbon is on the mound, then nailing him in the back with a beanball from the outfield.

Papelbon’s right, you know. Doesn’t seem very fair that he should get in trouble when there’s 25 guys in that dugout who choked.

The fact is that Jabba was always a sleaze bag, it’s a known fact, and he acts like one, he doesn’t keep Leia by his side to sexually torture her just for the sake of it, he does it because he wants he wants a pretty woman by his side, just like the twi’lek he had at the beginning of the movie who also had a similar

between Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher, there’s a lot of amazing “who gives a shit” crankiness out there regarding new Star Wars

“What am I going to tell my kid about why she’s in that outfit?”

“What am I going to tell my kid about why she’s in that outfit?”