I’ve seen a lot of hypersensitivity on Jezebel, but this might take the cake.
I’ve seen a lot of hypersensitivity on Jezebel, but this might take the cake.
I think you take things a bit too personally.
The question is, once the cops are called, are those teens more likely to get arrested or more likely to be told to move along. Odds are, in nicer, whiter neighborhoods, the kids are told to put out the joint and get moving while in poorer, browner neighborhoods they’re going to be arrested. Of course there are going…
Agreed. That’s my issue with trigger warnings, too. It’s weird... it sometimes seems as if trigger warnings, meant to help the marginalized and disenfranchised, have been co-opted by people with privilege and power because their comfort is what’s always important (and they get to throw in a dash of moral superiority…
I agree. I think providing content warnings is a good thing to do as a courtesy and as a way to help students participate fully in the class. But I don’t think a professor should be held accountable if they missed warning the class that a story contained fish and someone happened to have severe ichthyophobia. If…
I have been out of university for a while (and my grad degree was science-based, so nothing I can imagine being triggering there). So, my only observation of this discussion has been on the internet. As an outsider, my only concern is that the list of potential triggers seems to grow and grow, and “triggering” has…
Yes, the children should be taken away from their parents. Did you read what the father said? The parents obviously do not think that they did anything wrong. They blamed the ambulance for their child’s death, meaning that they thought and still think that their actions were right. They clearly did not learn from this…
I completely agree. When a child dies because of abuse or neglect, to say the death is punishment enough is really devaluing that child’s life. Parents need to know their kids are not toys or accessories they can do whatever they want with.
Their child was so severely ill with meningitis that his body was too stiff to be bent so he could be put in the car seat. He had to ride lying down in the back.
If they had done the same to say, an elderly relative or a disabled 20 year old would the sentence have been more strict? This shows me that kids are still not considered autonomous individuals with human rights, they are their parents most prized accessory. These people treated their child worse than decent people…
“he wasn’t severely ill”
It’s like trying to blame being 10 hours late for work on missing some of the green lights.
I do not buy the whole idea that when parents proudly make awful decisions that lead to their children’s deaths (like leaving loaded guns lying around, failing to get the child proper medical attention, etc.) the death should be the parents’ punishment. These parents neglected their child to the point that he died,…
Meningitis IS out of the ordinary and it can kill fast. "Not severely ill," you narcissist douchebag! That little boy's brain was on fire. And you gave him herbs while his entire tiny body shut down, painfully and terribly. How's about you go thru massive organ failure, and let me know how ill you are? I will make…
He wasn’t that sick! He just died, that’s all.
Because when those parents are leaving work early, taking off a day every week to stay home because jr. can’t go to day care.... well it’s fucking exhausing too. Remember, some’s trapped at work cleaning up for eveyone NOT at work. Why should that always & only be the childless people?
As someone who has just received a promotion in responsibility and workload, but not title or compensation due to a pregnant coworker (3rd kid, 2nd time doing both her work and mine), I agree.
We haven’t taken a vacation in almost 6 years because we each cover for all the parents and don’t feel like we can make the case for needing a “break” as DINKs. Blerg.
I love cats that don't know what to do with the animals they are supposed to, you know, eat. My sister's parakeet got loose once and we came into the room to find our cats cowering under a chair while the bird harassed them.