Equating Cyberpunk to Duke Forever may be one of the most disingenuous things I've ever seen in gaming "journalism". At least you're living up to the hack part of the web site's name.
Equating Cyberpunk to Duke Forever may be one of the most disingenuous things I've ever seen in gaming "journalism". At least you're living up to the hack part of the web site's name.
My brother picked his up with like 20k on the clock for dirt cheap, lovely blue paint, interior in perfect condition. Awesome car, to be honest.
So has anyone check out the caddilac vtol? I just saw a story about it today, and it reminded me of a couple weeks ago, I was watching the Mythbusters jetpack episode and that dude was talking about his flying car that should be at like 50% adoption... And I realized that the low altitude flying car space is…
My brother stopped driving his G8 in favor of the volt he bought. He loves it. He has a like 70 mile commute to work when not working from home. I've driven it once or twice. It's fantastic. The only real flaw is that it's a hatchback with very little storage back there, but not an issue for a commuter car.
Let’s never forget just how much of fortnite was straight carbon copied from h1z1... From the start of having a survival game with a battle Royale tacked on, to making the BR a seperate mode, to abandoning the survival game to focus solely on the BR. Epic literally just shadowed Sony all the way through, and came out…
Every stream I've ever seen ban a non-English speaker has warned them once or multiple times to use English on the channel, as it's the only language the streamer speaks.... I dunno why, but it feels like this article is trying to make it out to be racist to not allow speech the streamer cannot interpret, and by…
I once saw a woman reading a hardcover novel on her steering wheel while drifting around the lanes. People will always find a way to be distracted while operating a few thousand pound bullet down the freeway.
The no phone rule would be great if 90% of modern cars weren’t equipped with a giant flat screen TV called the infotainment module that requires 26 menu choices just to change a radio station or increase the volume... And which also allows you to hook your phone in so you can do the same stuff you would on your phone,…
That explains "wagenrekt"
Chevy had a great one of those once upon a time... The eurosport. It had rear facing jumpseats in the back that were everything a 7 year old could dream of
Chevy should have let the Monte die around 1985... Back in its actual heyday. It wasn't really fast, but it was a fun car if you had an SS, the corvette packages, and t tops. The redesign was always ghastly. The 303 hp out of a 5.3 liter is meh, and leads to the worst part... Front wheel fucking drive. Just kill…
Basically the plot for all the best top gear episodes.
Don't you have to be a bit careful about uv/sun exposure on spectra rope? I seem to recall that when looking into it for some project or another.
On the other hand, that switch to focusing as much or more on the presenters and their interactions led to the very heights of TG's popularity. The years where challenges and specials dominated were when top gear was most beloved. The car reviews were already an afterthought by then, and it was several years before…
“James May” is a class of videos entirely separate from GT/TG and should be taken as such. Even though his work on The Reassembler, Toy Stories, ManLab, and various other projects (Wine Adventure) are brilliant and fantastic, they are wholly a different animal than GT.
You wouldn't be if you ever interacted with the community. I'm more surprised the demos aren't more like 12-18, honestly. Then again, those stats are likely self reported and everyone probably says they're at least 18 so they can put in a credit card number without hassle.
So BMW decided it doesn't want to look like BMW anymore and Honda said, "fine, we'll take it"?
The US automakers kinda all went this route. They all had brands that were mid level between base and full lux, and they realized they could cut all that crap and just make base and lux (like how the big Japanese makers do) for the most part, because people weren’t interested in being half-fancy. The sad part is that…
Tbf, at 55, lights and sirens coming up at 150 leaves you with precious little time to react, and if you make the wrong move to get out of the way at the same time they begin to maneuver arou d you, it leaves zero time to correct.