
How about we relocate all remaining Confederate statues and line them up end to end along the Mexican border? #2birds1stonewall

Yes, there is abundant dreck out there. When Imagine Dragons or AWOLnation is the best mainstream radio can do, I feel truly sorry for the kids coming up. That said, good/great bands are plentiful, just not riding the crest of mass popularity - Black Pistol Fire, Rival Sons, Red Fang, Baroness, Torche, the Orwells,

Do yourself a favor and catch the Queens of the Stone Age with Royal Blood tour this fall, and then revisit this comment.

The Colour and the Shape was a terrific record, and Foo Fighters was a stellar debut. But Wasting Light is their best album, period.

I remember my parents going to see it without me (supposedly to make sure it was OK for me to see as a 7 yr old, but come on they wanted to see Star Wars), and my dad telling me all about scarrrry Darth Vader when they got home. I saw it four or five times in the theater that summer.

One and the same.

Jay Z is a late headliner addition. Not my cup of tea, but helps puff up a sorta weak lineup IMO.

New JC Brooks album also released on April 7.

I was disappointed by KOL's Only by the Night, but hung in there until the next album (something something Sundown), which was total crapola. And while my interest in Sting was already starting to wane by the late 90s, Brand New Day sealed the deal. The Jaguar ad, the sappy tunes, the complete lack of testosterone…ugh.

I can take more of Maher than my wife can, who thinks 'he's not helping' the progressive cause. I get that, and even my tolerance for so much concentrated smug is wearing thin at this point. While I still tune in weekly, it's mainly for the pre-panel interview and New Rules. As a weary, former McLaughlin Group viewer,

Fargo season 3?

Kudos to O'Neal for one helluva closing sentence - a truly powerful climax.

Really excited to hear new Royal Blood (TBD) and Rose Hill Drive (March 10). Rock ain't dead just yet.

I walked out of a Cutco recruiting pitch as a teenager. I remember they kept the product under wraps on the table in front of us and talked vaguely about the opportunity for a good 30-40 minutes. I left when the veil was finally lifted and it was…knives. With one foot out the door I was jumped by a senior rep who

The Abyss is still the best movie with the worst ending I've ever seen.

First thing I blurted out when my wife told me she was pregnant: "We're gonna need all the Pixar DVDs!" Still in heavy rotation with the under-5 demographic in our house.

Been anticipating June 17 for weeks now - not just case/lang/veirs and the physical release for Radiohead's latest, but also Tragically Hip's swan song 'Man Machine Poem'.

Agreed - also loved Woodface (Crowded House) and Blood Sugar Sex Magik (RHCP) that year.

Coen Brothers??

Odd that Dowd would imply that sticking two "emphatic exclamation points" after the title was some kind of whimsical choice by Linklater. Even without hearing the soundtrack, seems pretty clear it's directly from the Van Halen track, also from 1980.