
The AV Club

I'm jealous! Calexico is simply a stellar band, you have many enjoyable hours ahead. You may also dig DeVotchKa - different sound palate but a similar musical sense of adventurousness, they also blend a myriad of influences into something unique. You may recognize 'that whistling song' from the soundtrack to Little

Litre?! Get that metric sh*t outta here. 'MERICA

Just don't get the critical love for Drive. If ever there was a triumph of style over substance… the cinematic equivalent of marshmallow fluff. Meh.

Would like to see this list as a future projection of expectations from, say, 2003. Hard to fathom from all the hype back then that the Strokes would be completely absent - turns out the S's were tough…

My mom was visiting me in grad school and met my new girlfriend for the first time. Thought it would be nice if we all watched a movie together, so I selected… A History of Violence. Oops! Nothing like a little rape-the-cheerleader role play to break the ice, really brings the family together.

This is so September 10.

Somebody call Stephania Bell - 50 Cent just solved the mystery behind this season's epidemic of Tommy John injuries.

Naw, just FOX wish fulfillment.