Unless you’re white, in which case, how dare you, sir!?
Unless you’re white, in which case, how dare you, sir!?
I’ve had mastitis a couple times already. The best treatment is nursing. It’s like having a ball of molten copper in your breast.
I think film and TV are moving away from live animal work. It’s easier and cheaper to use CGI and it doesn’t get PETA’s attention.
It *is* arguably his best film.
I doubt it, but I can’t say that I would be surprised if he’d laid hands on her. My feeling is that they don’t have much contact away from cameras and haven’t for some time.
Wow. Calm down grandpa. I was with til you went off the rails there. You can make a point without blowing your top.
My kid started crawling today. Like, he went from kind of wiggling himself short distances to get to things, to crawling in just a few *hours.* How totally fucked am I? I live in a tiny 800 sq ft loft apartment. There is no way we can babyproof this whole space but his play pen is already too small. I’m freaking out.…
All we did was stop Russia from taking over all of Germany.
I use a random password generator set to 32 characters (when I can, not every site lets me have passwords that long). Then I write it in a book I carry with me and just encode what websites the passwords are for.
Mother of a boy, here, and an abuse survivor. What you’ve described is what I’ve always planned. I love him more than life itself, but if he hurts anyone else’s babies, I won’t be able to live with myself.
I legit laughed out loud. My baby gave me a look.
Me am play gods!
Well, as a militantly pro-choice person who just had a baby (seven months ago), celebrating a wanted pregnancy isn’t even remotely the same thing as condemning terminations of unwanted pregnancies. When you’re happy to be pregnant, as I was, after a year of trying and 33 years of waiting, every little thing about the…
I guess he’s looking to the Collinwood model of school design.
“Thank you for your service and say ‘Hello’ to my little friend!”
Oh man. I wanted an elective c-section so bad because I was terrified of prolapsed uterus or incontinence. Pregnancy had me leaking pee constantly. I was so fucking happy my baby decided to almost die during labor and I got to have a c-section because they never would have done one otherwise. It was a super easy…
We just had a baby. We make quite a bit and don’t pay rent right now (it’s a long story, not relevant). We used calculators and tried to be very conservative about the cost going in. The reality has blown away all projections. What those calculators don’t take into account is how much shit you buy that doesn’t work.…
Oh my god! I was finally able to log in. What the heck, Jez!?
Well, I don’t know what we expected. Trump wasn’t one of those kids who had to invite the unpopular kid to his birthday party because his parents hated that kid as much as he did.