This dude is pretty boss. You could say he’s...
This dude is pretty boss. You could say he’s...
Exactly. Just settting the limit at 15 without corresponding Romeo/Juliet restrictions just says “hey creepy 45 year olds - just make sure she’s 15 before you start rubbing her back and telling her how mature she is for her age.” *shudder*.
Raise your hand if you were a 15 year old girl who was constantly pestered by older men. The fathers of the kids you babysat for pouring you a drink. Your friends’ fathers staring at your tits or walking in on you in the shower. Your male teachers dropping hints. Strangers pulling over as you walked home from school.
“Wait, we can swear?” - the previous 157 victims
“I’d like a leg-over on nights when every single person who’s known me since we split up has told me if they see me again it’s restraining order time. So, friends?”
My guess is that “occasional friendship” means boinking when they’re lonely, or maybe make them the cake you made one time? In any case, fulfilling their needs, not yours.
I had an ex where thing ended pretty amicably, still ran in the same social circles occasionally, everything seemed cool. But one night I hooked up with a guy he didn’t like, and he shouted at him “I USED TO LOVE THAT GIRL!” Like I’d been defiled, and it was a personal offense against him.
WTF is a ‘very occasional friendship’?
“Very occasional friendship” = booty call.
I too like to spend money on nice things then avoid any kind of optimization, mainly because I am lazy and incurious and I prideful of these traits. I often criticize people who put in more effort than me because they are losers who care too much about things.
I don’t know, I use nipple clamps for chip clips.