
You really don’t understand how American government works, do you?

Allow me to quote my late father: “It’s your lie - make it as big as you want!”

When it’s part of their crisis communication plan, which it obviously is? Fuck no, that’s not reasonable.

Had you will have been looking forward to it?

And the Nazis made the trains run on time....

I’d rather see him as Dr. Yueh.

You’re aware that Disney has been doing live-action remakes of quite a few of their animated properties, right?

Unless she’s the president of Burundi.

Okay, tiny dude is big now!

That’s Adam, not Stephen. It’s hard to keep those Baldwins straight sometimes.

Go check on the percentage of Irish and Icelandic people who are nominally Christian but believe in fairies. Belief systems are a lot less cut-and-dried than your arguments assume.

That difference is a lot smaller than you’d think. Again, maybe you should ask the Polynesians whether Maui is still an important figure to them.

Polynesian culture doesn’t exist anymore? Maybe you should ask the Polynesians about that. I’d also argue that order of operation matters here: the vampire religion you’re highlighting postdates the appearance of vampires in popular culture, whereas traditional Polynesian stories about Maui are far older than Moana.

That would be interesting for Fleming fans, but it would bomb at the box office. The film Bond has *never* been a straight adaptation of Fleming’s “genial sociopath,” and after fifty years, the moviegoing public has developed its own expectations about Film Bond that any new film is basically required to fulfill.

I really want to believe that, but a malicious little voice in the back of my brain reminds me “yeah, but he co-wrote *Beowulf* too, and look what happened.” So....

FFS, people. The article does NOT say that you shouldn’t send sick workers home. It says that WHEN you send them home, DON’T replace them with healthy temp staff who will then be exposed to a potentially-infectious workplace.

New plan: see this, and pretend that the other DC films don’t exist.

As one of the dozen people on the planet who actually likes the Matrix sequels, you have my sympathy.

The brief plot description of Altered Carbon does not fill me with joy.

Miami already floods whenever there’s a decent high tide. You’re not going to have to wait for an actual 20-foot rise in sea level before coastal areas become uninhabitable.