
“The woman in tights fled across the desert, and the Batman followed.”

Marvel Loki is not Norse Loki any more than Marvel Thor is Norse Thor. Expecting any more fidelity to the medieval sources than we’ve already had (which is to say, not a lot) is bound to end in disappointment.

I wonder if there was a scheduling issue. Everyone in the original cast that speaks Maori is reprising their role for the Maori-language dub, and it might not have been feasible to get them all scheduled (and find appropriate Maori-speaking actors for the other parts) before the deadline to roll out the Blu-Ray.

The specific assertion is that the number of NZers who *identify as Maori* and can also speak the language has dropped precipitously. If a bunch of non-Maori NZers are learning to speak the language, that’s better than the language going extinct, but it doesn’t falsify the original statement.

Those are not mutually exclusive options.

I will be very surprised if Avengers 4 does *not* use the Infinity Gauntlet to resurrect a bunch of characters that have been killed off over the past several years. Wasn’t that part of the original comics storyline?

Needs more tartan.

I’m certainly not going to tell anyone how they ought to feel about That Scene, but FFS I wish people would stop referring to it as an “orgy” or “gangbang.” Neither of those terms is accurate as a description of the actual events in the novel, and seeing them makes me automatically question whether the commenter using

Have you read the book? This was never going to be a single movie. It’s about a thousand pages long, and there’s a lot happening.

Is it just me, or does that still of Young Capaldi look an *awful* lot like Arthur Darvill?

Just finished reading this following the Hugos. Really intriguing - I’m glad I don’t have to wait for the series to finish!

Beauty effects, eh?

If you’re rebooting the franchise, doesn’t starting with that particular arc seem a little counterproductive?

“What was the last summer blockbuster movie or hell any superhero movie that had two POC female co-stars with a half decent role?”

Unsure about that. If Diana hadn’t charged across No Man’s Land, what was Steve’s plan for getting to Ludendorff? Would they have made it in time?

I would agree that X-Men is not a reasonable model for the Avengers/JL. First, because the identity of the X-Men is inherently a team identity - apart from Logan, how many of the X-Men tend to get their own series? Compare with the Avengers or the JL, whose members generally have strongly established individual

Not visiting is a pretty easy opt-out.

Surprised not to see someone bring up Niven’s Dream Park yet, but maybe that’s too obscure a reference for this commenting crowd.

I saw it in the theater as well, knowing nothing about it beforehand, and didn’t feel that terrified when I left. When I got home to my empty house on the edge of the woods at dusk, it was a bit of a different story.

[citation needed]