
I agree that expecting poor people to bear the brunt of “adaptation” while the West does nothing is unjust, but I also think that anyone arguing that we can innovate our way out of this doesn’t fully understand that the last couple of centuries are a major anomaly in terms of human technological development. It’s like

“Sir, I’m gonna have to ask you to please exit the donut.”

Just because we don't have kids doesn't mean we can't influence yours.

Absolutely no human being *knows* what’s happening with gravity either, but you're not expecting to float out of your chair. It's possible to know *enough*.

Is “anywhere” defined strictly as “Netflix” here? I watched AC the same way I watch AoS: download from iTunes the morning after the episode airs. Season 1 is also on Amazon, though I’ve no idea if the episodes appeared as promptly there.

Except Bucky doesn’t turn up until after Steve’s already refused to sign the Accords, so that charge doesn’t fly. I don’t think it’s a huge leap to have Steve take away the lesson that there’s no objectively-better watching-the-watchmen solution from the SHIELD/HYDRA debacle.

[citation needed]

They wanted to give you *something* to complain about. Can’t have you breaking your streak.

They’ll make less on home video than you’d expect for a film with those box office numbers - the comic geeks who ran out to hate-watch it opening weekend aren’t going to be shelling out for DVDs or downloads.

Very well put. FFS, even *Frank Miller* understood that much about Batman.

“You wanna get nuts? C’mon! Let’s get nuts!”

Black Widow is still Russian in the MCU. You might want to back off the self-righteousness enough to get your facts straight.

Which means that these robots, on a strength-to-weight basis, are approximately a thousand times stronger than the average human. That’s not impressive?

And you outweigh these robots by approximately 3 orders of magnitude. Does that restore your sense of wonder?

Exactly. There’s no guarantee that automation will create an equivalent number of jobs to the number that it destroys, or that those jobs will be accessible to those displaced workers. If automated transportation creates jobs for a few hundred or thousand automation engineers but puts a couple of million commercial

That’s a standard toothpick shape in Japan, apparently. They might be a bit more expensive to get in the States, but they’re not custom by any means.

All of the narrative action was in Sokovia. There’s no plot justification for Ultron drones to be anywhere else in the world at that point in the story, let alone doing anything that would attract the attention of any other Marvel heroes.

A peek is a quick look. A peak is the pointy top of something.

Yeah, it’s totally Dormammu.

...and unless you’re a rabid Apple hater, the episodes are available on iTunes later the same night that they air. That’s how I watch them, since I don’t have cable either.