
Of course it's true that some have legitimate cause cause for complaint. This, however, does not excuse the fact that they are pointing to women and non-whites as a major cause of their discontent. They actually oppose the spread of civil rights for all, and there is no amount of stagnation or poverty that excuses

For some people, it was explicitly about the denial of feminism, and it's not like they made a secret of it. For everyone else who voted for Trump - well, they decided the ladies could just take one for the team, and it wouldn't be so bad. After all, it wasn't women they were opposed to, just that one. It's true that

I wish I could upvote this more than once.

Is anyone here protesting the election as somehow fraudulent, dare I say, rigged? Thinking a politician is a horrible, thoroughly incompetent clown is not intolerance, it's an observation. Tolerance does not mean blind acceptance of the indefensible. Donald Trump is an impulsive, vindictive narcissist who has trouble

Use some HTML tags, Mr. Troll; your clumsy use of asterisks completely negates any intended emphasis.

Exactly. He could have had consensual sex with most, if not all of those women, but that wasn't what he wanted from them. He did it because he wanted to hurt and exploit them, and he's never going to feel bad about it.

Look, I know some Trump supporters. I work with some stereotypical Trump supporters, and I know them to be decent people who truly don't want to harm anyone. Shit, I even have respect for these guys, largely from working with them (in construction, no less…I haven't had the misfortune to work with anyone who gleefully

You're right - seriously, I wouldn't be overly surprised if Russia invaded the Baltic States on January 21st, and I'd be surprised if it didn't happen at some point in the next year. It's pathetically easy to sway Trump - anyone can tell him he's a genius and he'll be nice to them. When a person with genuine power

He IS backing away from a lot of his more ridiculous campaign promises, but what happens when someone hurts his little feelings? He is an insanely thin-skinned person, and as president he's going to be taking punishment from all directions, including nearly every foreign leader save Putin (who will be enjoying the

Yeah, they're crying out in pain - pain that white men are no longer in total control of our society. Sure, it's an adjustment for them, but if they're actual adult men, they can pull their heads out of their asses and realize that they still control most positions of power in this country. They've still won the

Hang in there, dude. Having been suicidal myself - to the point where it felt like I was already gone, that I had no choice in the matter of whether or not to actually destroy myself - I know how hard it is to ask for help. When you're in that place, not only does it seem unbearable to invite people to watch you

Hang in there, dude. Having been suicidal myself - to the point where it felt like I was already gone, that I had no choice in the matter of whether or not to actually destroy myself - I know how hard it is to ask for help. When you're in that place, not only does it seem unbearable to invite people to watch you

Hang in there, dude. Having been suicidal myself - to the point where it felt like I was already gone, that I had no choice in the matter of whether or not to actually destroy myself - I know how hard it is to ask for help. When you're in that place, not only does it seem unbearable to invite people to watch you

Hang in there, dude. Having been suicidal myself - to the point where it felt like I was already gone, that I had no choice in the matter of whether or not to actually destroy myself - I know how hard it is to ask for help. When you're in that place, not only does it seem unbearable to invite people to watch you

Indeed. Preferably with something large and covered with rusty spikes.

This is devastating, but also incredibly ominous. After the events of the last few days, I can't think of anyone whose death would be a more effective harbinger of doom.

That doesn't follow. What does the fact that he's unlikely to talk about a "consent plan" with Billy Bush (who EVER talks about a consent plan?) have to do with anything? They could sit around talking about how much they love fucking hot women and that wouldn't be a problem at all. Shit, he could objectify them then

We can and should look at the different effects different types of oppression have on people; that is the only way to begin to find solutions to these problems, but for fuck's sake, do we need to rank them? People who are rejected by their families for being gay very often struggle with depression, and they have much

Actually, Chappelle thinks we should all shut up about oppression that he doesn't directly experience.

He's the senior editor, so no, not the same job for 8 years.