
Also…are there not official White House photographers who will appropriately document this meeting? Does an advisor really need to be crawling on the damn furniture to take pictures with her fucking iPhone?

That's a good point. However, The Story of O (I haven't read Mr. Benson) is actually about BDSM; 50 Shades is just about an abusive relationship; the kinky sex is window dressing. The point of the story appears to be that Anastasia thinks that if she loves her terrible boyfriend enough, he'll stop doing the BDSM

50 Shades gives kinky people a bad name; in general, people who are seriously into BDSM make a point of having play be safe - you're not supposed to actually be afraid of your partner. The popularity of this crap also gives women a terrible name - we are not all castrating shrews out to purge men of their sexual

Or, perhaps the people who examined her body have more substantial insight into what killed her than anonymous commenters on the internet, even the ones with ex-junkie credentials. Just a thought.

Yeah, Paul Scofield could pull off just about anything - a truly phenomenal actor. Both he and John Hurt were from the same school of exceptional, classical British actors: both were nuanced performers with wonderfully distinctive voices, and also the ability to convey complicated emotions without saying a word.

They had both varieties - if memory serves, the one that caused massive weight gain while starving to death was the hot new product.

There's a nice lady named Sarah Palin. Before the election, he did mention her for head of the motherfucking EPA.

I'm trying to save my nervous breakdown for his EPA pick.

If only. He'd do better than Ben Carson.

No…the fact that they didn't have Logan go full sociopath and physically torture both children after the storyline had reached its natural conclusion didn't seem stupid to me. Logan scared the shit out of them and made Louise cry, which was probably sort of deflating - Louise is fun as a nemesis because she doesn't

You make it sound like Logan is a constant presence in Louise's life - he's really not. They periodically meet by chance and are hostile to each other; there's not a lot of space for obsession on either side. I agree that this episode pushed it a little beyond comfort, but I think you're reading way too much into it.

Speaking a couple of months after this incident, there has been no indication whatsoever that this was faked. Kim Kardashian is an attention junkie, but that kind of faked robbery is a pretty extreme stunt, and she's not known for being quite that ridiculous. She was also hauling around €10M in jewelry, so, yeah,


So, 2016, apparently not satisfied with its legacy of turmoil and tragic body count, has finally gone ahead and murdered joy incarnate. Charming.

I honestly don't know. As far as I know, pretty much everyone I know is on Facebook, but I doubt that's statistically significant.

Speaking as a voice from the future…2016 only gets worse. Much, much worse.

That's why I have a FB account - my brother set it up for me on the grounds that not having some minimal online presence makes potential employers suspicious. So I have the account, and I've never posted anything. Social media doesn't do it for me.

Why would I call you names? I genuinely thought I'd presented my point more clearly, so yes, I wanted to clarify.

My original comment was not actually directed at every single person suffering in the rust belt; I was only referring to the racist and misogynistic jerks who insist that white men have had their rights taken away - they've added a whole lot of pointless, destructive vitriol to the national conversation. However, I