
When he asked Kasich to be VP, didn't he offer to let him handle domestic and foreign policy, while Trump focuses on making America great again?

I agree that storytelling is a separate talent, but respectfully disagree that Dan Brown possesses such talent.

"Garbage" is a kind way of describing his prose style.

I know (at least, Wikipedia told me) that he said that without his incredibly disgusting shows as an outlet, he thought it was likely he'd be a serial killer. Coprophilia seems vastly preferable; he didn't force people to go to his shows, but serial killers are known for ignoring the wishes of their victims.

He was possibly the most disgusting human being who has ever lived, but the music isn't bad. It's not good enough for me to own, or even to listen to unless it's immediately presented to me like it is here, but it's not bad. And yes, this comment comes 300,000 years after this piece was published. GG Allin may be long

Upvoted, approximately 300,000 years later, for "Non-Simpson's lymphoma."

I think they know that once anyone gets to know them well, they'll be able to recognize them in disguise. If Young-hee sees Elizabeth in some context where they're face to face, she'll have no trouble recognizing her, although it's possible she might pass her on the street without noticing. Mostly, though, they use

Yeah…3hares is 100% correct on this one. Elizabeth was given an opportunity to serve her country in an unusually valuable capacity, and her mother told her to accept her duty. I don't think that "a better life" was a concept that had any meaning to them - their country is a miserable place to live, but they're loyal

Elizabeth searching their house always seemed like she was grasping at straws. Philip basically said as much. And really, it didn't make sense that he'd take that kind of thing home.

I thought that Elizabeth's training took over, and in her frustration she simply lost control. I think it makes more sense that Paige would learn about this side of her parents by accident; they certainly don't seem to have any plans for ever telling her about what their work actually entails, and with good reason.

I know what it's like to live with constant, searing pain for a period of years, but yeesh, I've never suffered as badly as what you've experienced. The tragedy of major injury compounded by your exploitation by your own family is…well, tragic, in every sense of the word. I hope you've been able to make a decent life

Typically, once main cast members are gone for good, they no longer appear in the credits, and this show doesn't appear to deviate from the norm. They took Annet Mahendru out of the main credits when Nina got killed off, so there's a good chance Martha will appear again.

I think the point was that those sorts of sketches are never good, which is the rationale for all the silly disguises. The wigs-and-glasses game would never fool someone who knows the person, but when people describe things to a sketch artist, they focus on those sorts of details. Most people aren't that great at

I was pretty surprised to see the song described as just pro-Jesus, with no mention of televangelism. What was all that about Depeche Mode courting controversy by going all pro-Jesus? Did anyone at all, outside of this article, ever think this song was pro-Jesus?

I haven't seen this, but everything I've read about it makes it sound about as torture porn as you can get. Really, anything that devotes a significant amount of screen time to torturing someone to death counts as torture porn in my book. So does anything where someone gets flayed alive.

Yeah, Paige is bright, but her parents are at least as intelligent as she is, and their work has made them incredibly cunning. Elizabeth is not always insightful about other people's emotions, and Philip is increasingly distracted by his personal turmoil, but they're still reasonably well equipped to deal with

UPN only produced 5 episodes, and Adult Swim gave the writers the creative control that allowed them to make the show they really wanted to make, so I agree with you. The UPN run was a dress rehearsal; Adult Swim was the real thing.

I also didn't like that she was being such a prudish steamroller. Freaking out about decency and threatening to damage another person's livelihood over something mildly salacious is the sort of thing Marcia Langman does, and it was disappointing to see Leslie playing the role of insufferable, puritanical bitch.

I actually enjoyed reading Gatsby in high school, but I think in general it's not a good choice for younger teenagers - too many of them just aren't ready for it. It's more suitable for a college curriculum. How many people in your English class got much out of it? I know that in my AP English class, most people just

Yes. Most books are.