
Not Fade Away is a Buddy Holly song. It was heavily influenced by Bo Diddley, but it's Buddy Holly's song.

I think she lied about her age to get on the show in the first place. They wanted people who were over eighteen.

No, she was actually 14 when she started on that 70s show. She's 31 now, according to Wikipedia. She really hasn't aged all that well, although I'd say she still has a "model" face.

He has almost no screen time, though. I don't think he's paying the bills with that gig.

Newt…has a less horrible face than Nancy Grace. It hurts to type that.

I'm not a fan of Dr. Drew at all, but he does do pretty well here. Nancy Grace is absolutely one of the worst people in the media. I know she can't actually be the worst person alive - there's a lot of strong competition for that one and I'm pretty sure she hasn't perpetuated any genocides - but when I watch her she

"The vision is a world characterized by reason, discussion, trade, and benevolence — as opposed to mysticism, bullying, crime, and nastiness."

Uh…yeah, only recommended for people trying to see how others have achieved the formatting of their comments. For shit's sake.

Ball pressure isn't something that's routinely checked after a game is started, so it's possible that people do it all the time without it being detected.

Brady likes his footballs at 12.5 psi, the lowest legal pressure. If Andrew Luck has a preference, it hasn't been reported. The Patriots had so little to gain from something this stupid; I think you're right and this is actually a situation where Occam's Razor is appropriate.

Also, if you want to look at someone's code, just do control-click, or right click, on the comment and select Inspect Element.

I completely agree; the fact that's it's been used for comedic effect elsewhere is because it's an iconic scene, not because it's ineffective. Deliverance really, really does not need a remake.

Fortunately, there are a ton of books in that series, and they're all extremely entertaining.

I looked her up and she's 31 years old, which means she should be maturing past the point where she can't imagine that other people might have different life experiences than she does. So it does sound like she's kind of dim.

Jesus Christ, that "study" was criminal. Sample size twelve. Fucking twelve. The Lancet has managed to bounce back from that debacle pretty well, but the damage has clearly been done, and their terrible decision to publish that shit has literally gotten people killed.

Wow, it is extremely cool that you're commenting here. The book sounds fascinating; I'll pick up a copy. It'll be my first foray into Finnish culture, hooray!


Dude, she is a hero, she's just not an infallible one. Having a situation where she's vulnerable doesn't negate her awesomeness. And saying this subplot doesn't belong in a zombie movie doesn't really make sense - 28 Days Later is not your typical zombie film, and who makes the rules anyway? Obviously the subplot

The fact that she was extremely brave and a total badass doesn't make her indestructible. Sadly, a woman stuck in a group of armed soldiers is seriously vulnerable to rape. Given the circumstances - that whole society-destroying zombie plague - the soldiers desperately wanting to get laid is more than plausible, it's

Hm, I thought the rape subplot was good, mostly because it's extremely realistic. It was upsetting, to be sure, but protection is one of the things you lose when civilization gets dismantled. As a woman, I sort of appreciated the nod to the inevitable horror of sexual assault - monster movies generally don't get into