
Yeah, the guy needs medical intervention, and soon.

Based on the shit he was saying in that Cosby thread last week, and now this incredibly disturbing stunt, Fatman is having a serious meltdown. Seriously, Fatman, please get help.

I am really not understanding how people aren't getting your point. I thought this was a website for geeks?

Yeah, editing is about a lot more than just the chronology of the story.

"Can I have my hands back?"

Not a sitcom, and also, that's not a very strong episode. The movie is so inept and terrible that it really drags down the pacing of the entire episode. If you want to wait like eighty very slow minutes to get to mild-mannered Joel yelling "Do something!" there's a payoff, but christ, what a slog.

Fawlty Towers was in the '70s, and this list covers only the last 25 years.

Tina driving at a snail-like pace into the only other car in a gigantic, empty parking lot is one of the highlights of the series for me. That groaning noise she makes is classic.

I love how outraged they are by the fact that the snail is so horrible that they (apparently) have no choice but to throw massive quantities of salt at her until she goes away.
"What kind of person salts another human being?"
"There's not enough salt in the world for that girl!"

25 episodes from the last 25 years is waaaay too few. There were just too many shows that got jilted. They should have made the list at least 50 episodes, especially since they included British shows. Sorry AVClub, but this list is too short to be representative. Also, how in the flaming fucking hell did Futurama not

I sincerely doubt he wrote the headline, since authors generally don't have control over the headlines, and it was published posthumously. Read the intro, the people posting the essay loved the guy and it's the last thing from him they get to publish. They chose a headline to honor someone they loved and respected.

Wow. I read the Wikipedia entry for this movie, and it sounded fairly unhinged there, but this is a level of detail they did NOT include. I'm intrigued, kind of, but have desire whatsoever to actually watch this movie.

Please go to a doctor, seriously. I don't know if you're off your meds or what, but the ranting that you're doing here is pretty classically manic.

I think the decision not to show the kid being drowned might have something to do with the fact that filming a toddler being drowned is more than just distasteful, it's logistically pretty difficult and kind of a dick thing to do to a kid.

Damn, Mindy, that is fucked up. It's interesting, though. The fact that your grandmother endured what she did and went on to essentially condone the systematic rapes of her own children and grandchildren speaks to serious self-loathing, and an incredibly bleak idea of basic humanity. Your grandfather too, really.

I've never seen more than clips of The Room, and I generally have a hard time with the kind of enjoyment grounded entirely in laughing at another person's heartfelt expression. That being said, the love people have for Wiseau seems genuinely unique, and based entirely on the fact that he's such a fascinating cipher of

True. But it's tough sitting through it because the lousy pacing makes it dull much of the time. Ed Wood had heart but no talent, poor thing, although I do think Glen or Glenda might be ripe for a re-examination; it's such a heartfelt exploration of gender identity. It's never going to be good, but it is impressive

It does seem like he's fundamentally kinda off. Which is the layman's description of an unspecified personality disorder.

Yeah, for someone with no feelings, he sure seems angry.

She did a really good job actually getting her questions through to him. She'd ask something totally straightforward, he'd accuse her of being a mentally incompetent feminazi, she'd rephrase the question until he was able to understand and give a coherent response. The guy is unhinged. It seems like he might have been