
He does't exactly look like Monty, but they're the same type.

That's horrible; I hope she's able to get some peace. It sounds like you have a genuinely loving family, which must make it terribly confusing for her - y'all are all about love and support, so why in the hell is she not deserving of it? I think there's a level at which a lot of people simply can't process the idea of

Those are very good points, so thank you. My personal Cosby love has always been present but limited, and confined to The Cosby Show alone. I've never seen any of his work from the '60s, so I appreciate the perspective.

Mindy, I'm sorry too. The sodomy element adds a whole other element of physical trauma, and it must have been hell.

I still don't get why people think Cosby is Cliff Huxtable - it really sounds like the guy has been an asshole start to finish. I was born in 1980, and I grew up watching the Cosby Show. I have strong impressions of what it was like - dumb sweaters, the kids having problems that were solved with paternal wisdom by the

It's better than it was in the past, cold comfort though that may be. Rape is a crime that will always be hard to prosecute; it's just in the nature of such an intimate violation. But, horrifyingly enough, 8% is progress.

At this point, it's ludicrous to give credence to some grand conspiracy theory. These women don't gain anything beyond the knowledge that they stood up to him in the end. There will always be assholes who think he was framed, but I think the majority of public opinion will finally settle on the most logical conclusion

Believe me, Mindy, I know. I was eleven when I was molested by one of my friend's dads, and nineteen when I was raped by one of my closest friends. My own mother told me the rape was to a large extent my fault because alcohol was involved. I never even considered going to the police. I didn't even see a doctor.

He doesn't quite make up for the loss of Elegant Victorian Lady, but he is pretty great.

True. This is where the sheer number of accusers is significant for me, all of whom relate the same pattern of abuse, and many of whom already brought these accusations years ago.

It's funny, when I think about lying, especially about something like this, to the world at large, the motive is forefront. You don't accuse lovable ol' Bill Cosby of serially drugging and raping young women for decades unless there's a solid reason. Since there seems to be little chance of financial reward, a

It's the idea of victims just making up this shit to torment him - to torment anyone. A false cry of rape on this scale would be ruinous to future victims of sexual assault. Try to imagine how it feels to be raped and then have it not taken seriously. It's a pretty fucking lonely and bitter place to be. In this

Obviously, in the best of all possible worlds none of this would have happened, and Bill Cosby would remain America's favorite Jello-loving grandpa. But when you have 27 women accusing a powerful old man of serial rape, somebody's going to get hurt. Personally, I'd prefer an outcome where rape victims are more, not

Honestly, I find the kind of lies that would be necessary to actually deceive the world into believing that either Bill Cosby or Alice Walker had sexually abused anyone to be more detrimental to our society as a whole. One person being revealed as an absolute horror show of a human being is the sort of terrible thing

It's a minor point, but why would you prefer this conspiracy crap to be true? Dozens of people conspiring to destroy the legacy and remaining years of a national treasure because no fucking reason whatsoever? That's pretty disturbing. Like god just got sick of Bill Cosby one day and teamed up with Kafka to eviscerate

I explicitly said whatever evidence they had had not been released, (which I'd say is reasonable at this point) which is not at all the same as saying there's no evidence it didn't happen - seriously, one is acknowledging that all that data have not been released to public, and one is badly fallacious reasoning. The

Alien makes you sleepy? I'd berate you, but I'm too consumed by pity.

Ah, just because people who suffered at the hands of the KKK were in a position where they held virtually no power does not mean that Sony's freedom of speech was not attacked in this instance.

Ah, just because people who suffered at the hands of the KKK were in a position where they held virtually no power does not mean that Sony's freedom of speech was not attacked in this instance.

The FBI and CIA have not provided the public with their evidence linking NK to the hack, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Honestly, it wouldn't be appropriate for them to make all the details public at this stage.