
Such a great little moment; it really conveys the brutal realities of Victorian London in one shot.

Beaker giving his scarf to Scrooge is a remarkably tender moment. Michael Caine does a great job with Scrooge suddenly being alive to gift-giving as an expression of affection rather than a mere exchange of wealth.

Hey hey hey, don't blame Cheney on us! That asshole's from Wyoming.

I'm sorry for your loss, dafs. Losing a parent sucks out loud.

Alana, the Soviets did not spend billions of dollars rebuilding Western Europe. The US did.

Huh, I thought Jessica Chastain's character was 100% batshit fucking crazy and everyone knew it. She became friends with Jennifer Ehle's character, but for the most part nobody really liked her because she's insane and will stop at nothing to get what she wants. At the end she's accomplished her goal and now has to

Huh, I thought Jessica Chastain's character was 100% batshit fucking crazy and everyone knew it. She became friends with Jennifer Ehle's character, but for the most part nobody really liked her because she's insane and will stop at nothing to get what she wants. At the end she's accomplished her goal and now has to

KNOWLEDGE BRINGS FEAR is hands down one of my favorite signs in Futurama. I will never understand why they changed it for the CC episodes.

It's a fucking comedic movie. There is no evil intent there. This isn't ISIS releasing video of a decapitation. North Korea doesn't release much in the way of commercial films, as far as I can tell, but if they were to release something actually equivalent to The Interview, then no, I doubt you'd have many people

There definitely are a lot of Americans who think free speech means consequence-free speech, and they're wrong. But I don't think this is an example of that. It's a movie that was perhaps in bad taste, but it's a stupid comedy, and not an act of aggression of any kind. There are very few people working in Hollywood

I still think you're overstating it. It's a movie. If North Korea released its equivalent - and that really would be a product of the state, North Korea being what it is - I don't think you'd have people calling for retaliation.

Um, the media going nuts over bullshit is kind of a different thing from our country treating something as an act of war. I think you may actually be underestimating the dickbags in the US congress; they would not waste missiles over a goddamn movie.

Except with respect to FIFA. He kinda sucks in a professional context.

No, I do not think Americans would threaten to murder people who saw a movie about assassinating Obama.

It's refreshing that he's not denying it. It'd be nice if he could own up without doing a spread in People magazine. There's got to be middle ground there.

It's pretty sickening for his victims. Kind of like he's violating them again.

I think Polanski is Jewish, too. Partly, at least.

See, that is his fault too. If he'd just served his time she wouldn't be subjected to the drama that has resulted from his fleeing justice. Polanski running away was a demented second act to the rape that has ensured her continued suffering - we as a society really can't let him off the hook for this. You can't put

I suspect the poor woman is tired of even thinking about Roman Polanski at this point.

Not up to her, really. If she wants to forgive him that's her business, but he still committed a serious crime.